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Sea King News | December 22, 2022
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Added Dec 22, 2022
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Pisces Kingston happy holidays it's me Norman and I'm graceful another episode of speaking news taking off the shell our first bought the World Cup before the World Cup are what is a d crystalline Alex and I asked people seeking who they thought what I think Brazil is going to win the World Cup because they have pneumonia because they're good and my friend since I was there I think really hard and making improvements over the Sears and it's one sport we don't dominate in this world so I hope the USA wins Brazil probably win though not the us because they have been knocked out cuz I would have gone through them but I guess you got to the Brazilians are always good to go out on a limb with the Brazilians but man they playing beautiful football so I'm excited Brazilian and if not then probably a argentinians I think Australia I'm going to win the World Cup why is that because they're a really good team and they haven't lost yet cuz I'd like to go with you my number so 331 Rosselle because I'm almost to Burnsville and I didn't know that so Macy King of France win and I'm so sorry I failed at USA law King I know that many for wanted risotto in I was hoping France would win our next story with reporters Jackson to cup a Caleb and we'll ask them for their favorite thing about the holidays is the holidays so today we asked RC Kings what there what about the holidays are Christmas dinner and getting gifts probably like cousins and family Christmas trees favorite part about the holidays is probably ate food and presents I like going and visiting my grandmother and my family I really enjoy buying things for my sisters even if they don't appreciate it about the holiday at the present and visiting my family my favorite part about the holidays and spending time with family and friends and then of course bringing out all of our Christmas decoration decorating the tree and yeah I definitely just more time with family and friends my favorite part about the holidays decorating decorate my house full of you do a lot of cool things on the holidays personally my favorite thing about the holidays is being with family and our next story reported a Visa I will and I asked him if they prefer peppermint hot chocolate or peppermint bark jingle bell jingle bell Johnson ever meant for coffee peppermint hot chocolate peppermint hot chocolate of a I agree with them about to The Intern personally I prefer peppermint hot chocolate talking about Sweet Treats or next door is about favorite Christmas dessert reporters Jada and Fiore as soon as what their favorite treat and I'm here in Middleton and said what I asked her if I was thinking about their favorite Christmas tree is prime rib and I don't celebrate Christmas with but with my family made this she called my daddy it's our form of an African donut and cuz my family every winter break chocolate gingerbread cookies cuz I just then peppermint bark is amazing it is probably I'm really into like that holiday drinks at Starbucks peppermint mocha yeah everybody has so many different opinions on Christmas well thank you for coming along on our Christmas tree interview I'm getting sick and I'm tearing Middleton thank you I love any Christmas drink see you next time thanks for watching happy holidays in a merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy Advent Happy Kwanzaa happy New Year happy birthday Taylor Swift and happy birthday to you baseball
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