Code of Conduct
We expect all Sea Kings to follow the Code of Conduct in order to be their PVIS BEST. We understand that making mistakes is part of learning and growing. When mistakes are made, we take the opportunity to educate and guide students toward making better choices moving forward. Sometimes students need more practice with this process, and we may incorporate other means of correction to help the student with the process of learning and growing. Like the students, themselves, every situation is unique, and we are committed to supporting student growth and responsible decision making.
PVIS Student Code of Conduct
a. Harassment occurs when a person is purposely made to feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, humiliated, or threatened.
b. If you feel harassed, the first thing to do is to tell the harasser in a firm and decisive way that you do not like it and the action must stop. If you need help delivering this message, ask the nearest adult.
c. If the action does not stop, tell an adult immediately.
d. Never join anyone else in any harassing activity. If you participate in or tolerate harassment, you are part of the problem and subject to the same consequences. Rules against harassment will be strictly enforced.
Dress Code
Locker Use and Policy Agreement
Disaster Drills