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Student Council
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Added Sep 27, 2018
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Hi-C Kings welcome to the student council election show produced by the sinking news today student council representative please listen carefully and be respectful are over you have any time today Friday from 8:15 to 3 to vote on the school deadly outside first and the candidates for president my name is Tammy Tyler I believe that there's no limit to what we can do this is why I'm running for president what is how far am I the nation will go so if you can imagine it 6th grader for president a friend to a stick up for you and strong leader will make a difference than boat make every Tyler for president sings I marry a sailor and I want to be your because because I'm not only with lyrics but I'm also fortunate representative and njhs vice president now I know that girl vote for girls and guys for guys and girls honestly you know I got you covered and come on be real I have six brothers I know what I'm doing by now and I want to work with all of you to make this look better place and besides who doesn't want to vote for unicorn hello my name is Connor Katona but some people call me concert in Katonah ain't sore scholar dollars during the biggest all early people make things and then they'll sell thing other people making more money and then spending that money is going to be great I'm also going to try to extend lunch time visits really hard to finish eating in a small amount of time lunch is better also I'm going to make competitions 1/2 or every 3 weeks or 6th 7th 8th graders compete in Reading to win Candy and other prizes too depending on well sit on a games rules so anyway for me insert slogan here on Harry and I still I should be president and not because I'm a selfish kid or have a big ego but I thought the school can use a lot of changes first of all I wanted was late to school more comfortable place for students and for me to do that I think that we should open up the small field again and that maybe we should have a Snack shot open during snack and I'm not going to make any promises I can't keep so that's pretty much all you need to know thank you have a good day next are the candidates for Spirit director my name is Arianna Valenzuela I'm running for Spirit representative I think it would be a good spirit is because I am always prepared I have an open mindset interesting plan that was do my best and I hope I Inspire others and I had your phone so boat or Amazon smile of for Spirit I'm the only border of I'm running for Spirit director the spirit director leave another school-wide event for Spirit director really matters if we don't make a good leader we stuff with someone all year that it's anything but a fun time wasted time that could have been spent having fun we had a better leader I hope you vote for me because I'm experienced and leaving school white event I serve an asp for 6 years most recently a school vice president in that wall I organized school-wide food drive I was involved in the Halloween costume contest Club Rush Yellow Ribbon Week and a talent shows to say I had lots of opportunities to learn what it takes to run quite a bit I think I might have. but I have a lot more than just experience lots of people told me that I should run for president and I'll tell you what I told them I really want this job I'm excited about becoming Spirit direct I'm excited about leaving the school in a new way single benefit from that excitement if I'm elected it's best to vote for someone who is motivated to do a good job for someone who cares and I really care about making our school events as fun as Gorgon eyes as they can be let's make a good choice I'm excited about this position and I feel that I have a lot to offer thank you for your boat what degree of the candidates for secretary and one for treasure Terry this year to be PB is a secretary because I have experience working with lots of people and accomplishing goals as evidenced by Night involvement in National charity League the new with web program here. I want to be secretary because I feel I have ideas that would benefit everyone in our school I don't advocate for additional seats at lunch and work towards making student tutoring for accessible to helps Hereford High School I would like to implement a junior version of class, that is Orchestra. Pretty high cause comp is a spirit day in which each grade level up in their class color and competes with students different grades to earn points for their class thinks he Kings and remember he won't be blue if you vote for Luke I'm telling you dab on them give you three reasons I have a cast to I have hair three I can do secretaries very important locations for this so you should wait for me hi my name is Mark Lane and I'm running for the position of Treasurer last year I was sixth grade rap and I help with all the school events like the Coco house in December browser voted on things like the budget this year I'm running for treasurer and I hope you vote for me because I'm good with money I am responsible and I'm trustworthy so remember what marklin for sure and lastly we have the communication directors sorry I'm Grant and I'm a marachi communication director I need that that may need a ESPYs help I will be running together for this position remember where you only choice to vote for Grandma rathje you may not go onto edlio you'll find a link and you can vote remember you only have until 3 today and add reminder the coat drive is going on all next week
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