Palos Verdes Intermediate School

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WEB (Where Everybody Belongs)

Below are the dates and events you are required to attend as a WEB Leader!Please make sure you are available to attend these events before you apply.• WEB Leader (8th Graders) training (must attend BOTH dates):Monday, August 12th, 8:30 am – 1:30 pmTuesday, August 13th, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm• 6th Grade Orientation: Thursday, August 15th, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm                                                                                                (WEB leaders need to arrive at 7:15 -orientation starts at 8)
• The first day of school: August 23rd, 2023. Wear your WEB Leader shirt and help sixth graders with directions and questions
• Be available for follow-up activities and meetings throughout the year.
WEB is a middle school transition program that welcomes 6th graders and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their middle school experience. WEB, an acronym for Where Everybody Belongs, is built on the belief that students want to and can help other students succeed. The WEB middle school transition program at PVIS trains members of the 8th-grade class to be WEB Leaders; as positive role models, WEB Leaders are motivators, leaders, and teachers who guide 6th graders to discover what it takes to be successful in middle school.


WEB creates safety and comfort for our new 6th graders. While the transition to middle school can be a major event in the life of a young person, very few strategies for support exist in most middle schools. WEB was developed in response to the recognized need for a middle school transition program and based on the philosophy of the very successful high school transition program, Link Crew. Creating a safe and positive learning environment for all students has become a major priority as many educators are finding that the traditional “fun and games” of teasing each other can often result in dire consequences. Additionally, more and more studies are showing that if students have a positive experience in middle school they have greater chances for continued success in high school.


WEB begins with a fun and energetic orientation day that gets 6th graders excited and proud to be attending PVIS. It also allows them to begin developing relationships with other students as well as learn strategies that will contribute to their middle school success. WEB continues after orientation providing a variety of both follow-up activities throughout the year. The Academic Follow Ups are lessons presented by trained WEB Leaders during visits to 6th/7th-grade classes.


WEB’s goal is to provide a structure in which students make real connections with each other. Through this program, students learn that people at school care about them and their success.


WEB is the middle school transition program that increases attendance, decreases discipline referrals, and improves academic performance.