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Nov 5 show 2021
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Added Nov 09, 2021
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Stacey King's I'm Andre Turner contest games and are Hocus Pocus movie night Coyotes game from the humble abode to get her Joad from my electrician they did them all YouTube including the Wolfman Blacula and his job okay all good digging Eagle on change backfires paying off the coffin bag of local group this is Mufasa was so much fun Indian tailor showing us how to make some delicious homemade apple pie chopping you need flour brown sugar cinnamon butter and salt for the filling you need mix Apple's butter granulated sugar brown sugar flour lemon juice cinnamon and salt be sure to wash your apples before using them for the crumbles should have cut your room temperature butter into small pieces and for the filling be sure to melt butter in the microwave next measure the ingredients play humble and don't forget to preheat the oven to 400 Philadelphia banking make the flour sugar cinnamon and saw in with the butter and mixing with your hands now peel and slice the next apples oh that was a lot of fun now is the time for apple cider vinegar hello fault on YouTube in a large bowl mixed apples melted butter granulated sugar brown sugar flour cinnamon lemon juice install and don't be afraid to mix it up with you now take your pie crust out of the package on the lip and put it in whatever you want to bake it now fill it with the feeling next. crumble on top of the pop now it's ready to Bake at 400 for 30 minutes 230 minutes have passed place it in for another hour on 350 degrees yep yep now it's ready to be taken out let it cool for about 30 minutes and it looks so amazing okay we're going Pizza Pirate speak a fruit taste like the different variety of Apple yeah it took a while but yeah I might make some for my family we're watching episode of school games tonight what's good games this is really popular Netflix show there was a show Netflix show that breaking many records to school again we went to go interview some other shooting game is a show where 456 people go to a remote island to play a series of death game Behavior episode the game was probably the first episode said that was probably the most famous episode is also really enjoyable my favorite game from squid game was the red light green light probably the honeycomb Challenge cookie carving game the one where they would like to take this sugar cookie dough after the garbage is out it's hilarious how once he breaks it they just start going terrifying about what's about to happen cuz they only have one life well she thinks it looks like you like squid game just as much as everyone else in the world does thanks for watching I have to watch that one with my family will be at Thanksgiving did your family have any traditions yeah my family usually gets together and makes a bunch of food will Ella Stephanie and Audrey interview teachings on marriage with Stephanie and I wanted a Thanksgiving traditions I do everything is watching Charlie Brown for Thanksgiving I have big get-together with all of my family and we eat dinner so I'm Thanksgiving I eat food with my family and my favorite food is chicken on Thanksgiving I visit my grandparents and turkey and mashed potatoes and I will give Thanksgiving 7 out of 10 amazing food for the past four years I've been visit my sister and niece in Hawaii so we go to the beach and then we come back and have a Thanksgiving dinner favorite dish show me the mashed potatoes my family always watching football on Thanksgiving really enjoy sports further back with flag football and girls volleyball turn to black out to see some of our amazing athletes I don't evolve all because I was playing with some friends and I just thought it was really fun and we had we had a lot of fun I like playing volleyball because I like being with the team the team work cuz we have to pass it to everybody and so everyone is involved in a place as it was our first time playing outside. It was going to be back Tuesday practically just passed a few times and then we played a few games it's all good cuz we're playing inside from us going to be great I just want to really good like our chemistry is really good and we're friends with everybody so we get along already are girls volleyball team fought hard but they lost 19 to 25 + Majesty King play Fox football since I love it and I love to I love football but also in a cup team and I love to hang out with them eyebrows I like flag football because it gives me an opportunity to play football stuff yeah I just got kind of just it's like throwing it around when discrimination light work or the best team here or we're going to ruin destroy everything I would fight football season's unfortunately lost six to 20 next time King off of the score to have for you today does Santa Claus games eating better luck next time Sports about her happy hand I was in my mom's stomach and Monday were looking at me from my mom's stomach I saw that even have a hand they didn't know why they still don't know why it just never grew I guess I had to go to learn how to do things differently like tie my shoes I have to like learn different ways that has a lot of trouble making friends but I was really little cuz kids thought cuz it starts really hard to make friends so I kind of have to look beyond my own a little I had two older brothers and when I was younger they were really really protective like whenever they was he like his kind of bothering me and asking me too many questions that would kind of like turn off for me when I was really young once I started growing older I was able to defend myself a little so I don't really need them but younger my mom would like to take videos of me on how are used to do stuff so I can help other kids I had the same thing as me like not having a hand and everything like how to tie your shoes try to put on like like your sweater how to do like this normal data stays not that might be a little hard and the beginning for kids who don't have a hand level in different I used to like put videos on Facebook and how it helped me help me help you guys to read new messages from kids that you feel like a thank you it's really helped me out a lot for like videos that I took like 5 years ago do they have such a strong individual who never let anything hold her back surgery
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