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7th and 8th Grade Hybrid Parent Information Night - Recording
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Added Apr 09, 2021
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go ahead and begin now the number seem to have slowed up if if anyone misses any portion of this webinar it will be it is being recorded and it will be posted on our website by tomorrow so if again if you miss any portion or if anyone arrives late or was not able to make it I it will be recorded and posted for further review on the PBIS website if you would also please know our previous website has a ton of information and usually has a lot of answers to many questions that which might have throughout this year for a variety of different topics we work really hard to make sure our website is updated so often times it is a great source of information I encourage you to please check it out and Facebook updates are sent out bi-weekly I also contain excuse me include quite a bit of information in those bi-weekly principles updates and then I post them on the website if you didn't receive them in your email if your sing any trouble receiving the principles update please check your spam email because all of the communication via email is based on the email address that you have errors but many times it does go to spam so if you look there sometimes it is is located there so please look for principals updates and our website for great information and we will go ahead and go I started once again this is being recorded and will be posted from further viewing and as always if you have any other questions you can reach out to either Jen massage in Tucson this webinar and assisting me tonight our new assistant principal and I am I control the principal at Palos Verdes Intermediate School we do have the chat function table this evening so Jen will be able to answer many questions she did a great job thank last time with our sixth grade group and answering parents directly and then we can take some questions together and answer them aloud so what I have on the screen in front of everyone is a are reopening a safety plan guide for all students return to campus and that would include adults the best hopefully you've seen this by now it is a very important document we spent quite a bit of time and putting it together because health and safety is the most important things for all of our students and staff while they're on campus once again this is on our website in you can always be with their further but I will go through it today and then we can take some questions towards the end as well okay so okay general information here very important I will give a plug for our wonderful counseling department that includes Miss McKenna and Mister stands note their Alpha breakdown is to the actual Alpha breakdown that we will be utilizing for the 7th and 8th grade return on Monday and we will we will review the schedule included in this manual is so once again the alpha breakdown I sent out an email yesterday includes a the a group or the red group a through K and the B group the black group Thursday and so we will go see how that applies once we get to the to the schedule is general information in in terms of how to wear a mask in the type of masks. Important that kids have a a snug fitting mask one that fits him well and other words and doesn't blow their nose or there or their mouth I'm continually because although they would have a mask on having to readjusted actually defeat the purpose of having them asking that they would be touching their face so we do have some Mass available at at the school site if students forget it or you're running short on masks we have it on generous donation from a parent up several hundred we're happy to give those out as well okay general information here as well in terms of symptoms the most is symptoms that would be covid like symptoms the best rule of thumb that I can I can express or or relay to all of our families as if that if your son or your daughter is feeling sick it's best to just stay home with that point we can we can catch kids up they can because they're also have on online part of the day we're still able to to keep kids current with our program as well so the best rule of thumb is to please keep home if they're not feeling well and it it helps to keep our little Community as safe as possible and as healthy as possible okay so reporting a positive test also very important if you unfortunately I have a positive test to report I would ask that you please contact me on my phone number is listed there an email also as well and of course that that information is always kept in confidence and we hope that we won't have exposures to tap to deal with but in the event that we do again please report them to me as probably many of your familiar with the rehab travel protocols place now they have been updated but the basics of the travel protocol is that if you go out of the state and you're not maximized maximized X-Men it's just then at you would need to quarantine for 7 days and I'm looking at you Jen I think that I've ever leave it 7 days and if you want to be and if it's 7 Days minimum if you want to get tested if you exceed if you don't want to be tested then it's 10 days and if and if you would like to get the city you can shorten that quarantine to seven days with with a course of negative okay so once again more personal hygiene information hear the daily health screening is very very important information everybody to to live to incorporate has as a new part of our life for the foreseeable future the app exceeds mean the website is listed here it's also it's also what I'm at the top of our PBIS website if you forget it my best advice to all of you would be to go to the health screening app and see if website and then or book Market on your phone so you would just do it simply bookmarket to your phone and then you don't have to go searching or type that the email address and every single time that way you can easily access it every morning I would also encourage you all based on experience to try to do it at home 30 minutes is the 30-minute requirement is of course the ideal situation because we would want to know that 30 minutes prior you if you had an egg excuse me if you had a positive or a red screen as you can see an example there that you wouldn't arrive campus and potentially expose somebody if you forgot to do the test and you had to do it at school risking exposing other students but I think second to that is also important to note that cell phone services body on the hill and I think we all recognize that on top of that if you are able if you're doing it in the in the parking lot or in the drop off line d if you're doing it in the drop off line the the beside can can we can crash sometimes it's overloaded with the traffic and sometimes it'll crash in our our Wi-Fi as is also sometimes spotty depending on the area that you're trying to complete it so yeah in my best advice to you is do it before you drive to school preferably at home on your own your own Wi-Fi which will definitely help in that situation once again stay at home if you're experiencing any of the following symptoms who is the best rule of thumb and in will certainly Proventil further excuse me prevent further issues collateral issues I should say in terms of exposure of other students so again we rehearsing reviewing some of the basics and the wearing a mask and hygiene super important we have some portable hand washing stations look at it there are campus our bathrooms are all open and Rain courage kids to wash hands frequently the bathrooms themselves and any high-touch areas will be continuously continuously sanitize throughout school day while kids are on campus so those are great great options fervor for kids and we highly encourage frequent hand-washing let's see respiratory attic does a new a new term here if you can sit there and listen on the left hand side on the nut that involves sneezing or coughing not into an elbow work so hard to train kids to do over the past couple years but now I grabbed a tissue all teachers have have tissues and and I'm sure as parents we all know that tissues are like currency so they certainly have plenty of tissues in the classrooms. We will not be using lockers for the foreseeable future and and that means that students can bring backpacks I would like to say at this point we would ask that the materials that students bring to campus b b a most of the classes will continue to use the virtual text books that they're using their are or some classes like language arts at has a core novel that's a hard copy of or novel but my message to teachers has been to Prague to try and prioritize the the materials that are in class and they're certainly will not be passed in class if a student the material I noticed this week that some of our science classes were doing labs and there are shared materials in it but each student will receive their own set of materials from the lab and then after that. They will be sanitized before the next student would use them so again the emphasis is on minimizing the amount of materials that could be shared or exchanged between students and or so students will be using Chromebooks I have communicated this to our family for the last month perhaps that we will continue to use Chromebook in classes note taking and test whenever possible there are of course exceptions to that and some some teachers will have students take notes with paper and pencil so paper and pencil is need to bring and encouraged to bring at the end of the day teachers will let the kids know if they haven't already heard what exactly they're going to need for in-person economics so what's ap you will not be using lockers they will kids will will participate in athletic or exercise through PE class in the clothes that they're wearing so we outside kids please wear uncomfortable inappropriate shoes very important the PE offering is not certainly what we're used to in previous years but I I can assure you it'll certainly be better than them awake this year with kids online trying to participate in in PE so I think it will be a good a good change and I asked the kids out there enjoying themselves and getting some extra as an that is truly important mass will be born during PE class as well okay water water is obviously fine to bring we ask that I know the teachers are Manning the managing us individually I'm in their classes and I in if students are if the students need to drink water they're either asked to step outside to take a drink or best case scenario if you have water bottles your kids have water bottles that have a straw with them that could ease may be accessed through through the master underneath the mask without having to remove the mask so those are all important and then lastly regarding water bottles of water bottle filling stations are available the water are not available for water bottle filling stations can also another high-touch area that is continuously soup sanitize throughout the day unfortunately we love all of our parents a tremendous amount but you are still not permitted to be on campus as essential Personnel is only available still last day on this page is our HVAC system so all of our HVAC system filters and thank you to the district have been braided to the appropriate filters and all brand new filters the HVAC system we actually don't have an HVAC system we don't have air conditioning if any of you have a well you had you had kids on campus prior to you understand and we don't have air conditioning we actually have a circulated air system that is favorable for our situation because it's raw are fresh air from outside and circulates through the classrooms and then back how all of our classrooms have we have a great setup I in my opinion I'm all of our classrooms have a adore on two doors and one door on on one side of the classroom one door in the other and that allows her great cross ventilation so when you have that with the divorce fair I think it is it's about as an ideal of a situation as every can ask for additionally the district has provided each teacher with air purifiers and so those are those are almost industrial size air purifiers that have that will be in the classrooms as well okay so communication messaging some general idea some general layouts of the classroom lots of signage throughout the throughout the campus we do have One Direction otra thinking it's super important that kids all of that one directional traffic is very self-explanatory obviously you can see the arrows and we have we have two ramps as all of you know is returning Family Fare to ramps that are in the middle of our school and one goes One Direction and the other goes the other and I'll talk more about the directional pattern of traffic on another page but I want to introduce to hear your step up show pictures of all of our classes and our campus so we have some pictures of different signage these are portable hand washing stations and classrooms Sedaris well make sure I covered everything I'm sorry okay cleaning and disinfecting a little bit more of that this is our beloved because dodian and that what he's what he's wearing excuse me is a electromagnetic sprayer and it is pretty cool and it allows for sanitizing and sprays of Mists of sanitizing liquid that can be used for high-touch areas like mentioned and then with in classrooms to so Hector is is working throughout the day while students are on campus continually disinfecting high-touch areas and a classroom I'm beyond that are about Overton Lea cleaned every. And are all of our teachers have cleaning supplies as well for spot cleaning so there's a great picture of our two ramps if you're if you're familiar with the enter side of this picture that is between the 8th grade quad and the science building and that that directional traffic is Flowing that would be I guess north to south and so the other side would be south to North so there is a little bit you know those the patterns of traffic will I'm take some getting used to but this sixth grader so far are doing an excellent job on the bottom right-hand corner you will see it at Google Earth shot of the 6th grade pod this is really important to rehearse with kids because all traffic will enter from the pods that they normally would upon exiting the students will be to exit out the back of the classroom if you remember back a few moments ago I mentioned that all classrooms have two doors one that faces in the Pod and one that faces exterior of the pots so all students will enter in the Pod isn't typically would and then this time are now however it will exit out the exterior sides of the pot so let me give you an example if you had a class in this are you headed the first two classes in this pod you would the students would enter in upon their first class go into the class then they would exit out the back and circle around back to the entrance couldn't unfortunately go back out the way they came in even if their classes next door so we're we're trying to keep all the directional traffic in the same same pattern okay store arrival and dismissal very important information here because we were where will be adding additional students to the drop-off and then the pickup perhaps is even more important if not equally born because we need to get kids picked up and or home so that they can log back onto their afternoon classes so the drop-off location will be in the same area for all grade level we have a small Cavalry of staff that are checking in and ready to check in students every morning and I don't know if I'd been more proud of anything else we've accomplished this year other than the fact that we I can probably bows that we check in all of our sixth graders I shouldn't say all but half of our sixth graders each group in under 10 minutes and we and they are all that stop in about the same time so within 10 minutes 10 to 12 minutes is what about what I've seen maybe 15 or so but no more than 15 minutes has been the total for drop-off and pick-up time so it's gone wonderfully so far and we couldn't have done it without our parents cooperation and students being ready to go so we work really hard at that he will see again you'll see a number of staff add drop off and pick up escorting in helping kids get either checked in into class or picked up and on their way home one of the questions I asked him up a few times and it may be in the chat if students up to questions that may come up number one PV Transit is available please check their website that is available and second second lane the back gate and Agony will not be open for the morning because we need all students to be checked-in we are asking that they come from the same location to check them in however at the end of the day we will open the gate or Agony Hill if you're if you're planning on meeting your students down the hill by the baseball park in order to pick them up and get them back home to log on self once again Agony will be open in the afternoon not in the morning we are said everyone be dropped off in the same location and be ready with your health health screening okay everything that it's yours are lovely schedule Island schedule you can see that the hybrid the hybrid schedule again the breakdown and terms of your Alpha and when you will show up I hope it's pretty self-explanatory but basically you're a group you will be on campus Monday and Tuesday in the morning and then be group will be on campus in the morning Thursday Friday Wednesday remains a synchronous and everybody is online in the afternoon together this is quite an accomplished I'm very proud of our teachers and our students and everyone this truly was a team effort to get this together and it's all about it's all about what's best for kids and making sure that they trying to face them and keep them concurrent and and simultaneous I think it's very important for the kids and their routine of their schedule so that is the schedule again and you can you can review this at your leisure have any questions please let me know okay so technology one-sided I mentioned it previously that Chromebooks are available and sorry side note just so I let all the parents in the we just keep rolling with the punches okay I hadn't every intention of doing this webinar from my office and the internet crush them for today so I got home and lock down quickly yes so now what they're there are few distractions so I apologize and you'll have to bear with me as my kids are getting off to soccer practice and volleyball practice so we will make it work we can we can just we just gave him if this year has taught us anything we can we can just keep rolling with the punches and we'll figure it out once again technology super important if you haven't checked out of Chromebook please do if you would like one you're more than welcome to bring your own device if you feel comfortable with it that's that's up to parent discretion I know that some MacBooks are very expensive you may not want your your student to bring that and we will we have more than enough Chromebooks in order to loan them out too soon if you don't already have one I'm General reminders from our nurse here about essential travel in quarantine 7th grade immunizations very very important is it not play tatico vintage you can skate Eris the tetanus and chickenpox Tdap shots if you haven't if you're not current on those immunization the 7th graders you will not be able to and school but don't care if you haven't been contacted by or nurse then you are fine okay moving on up upgrading from a I'm here a quarantine versus isolation basically the the basics of the sphere is is quarantine if if you if you think you might have been exposed isolate if you have I'm sorry I don't know I don't know quarantine if you have been exposed to the to somebody who play as a virus and isolation if you have symptoms that's the basics with it okay close contact is a very important term that hopefully we don't have to be, is that all of us don't have to become acquainted with we are very familiar with it in it is quite simply being in close contact means more than less than 6 speed for longer than 15 minutes on for somebody who has Kobe or suspected of having Coke and in the event that a student had a positive covid-19 anybody would that is Dean to close contact essentially in a classroom wood you'll be asked to quarantine at that point they remember quarantine if you're not exhibiting symptoms isolation if you are exhibiting symptoms okay so Dad is with the close contact definition that's a summary of the close contact information that and how it relate to all of us as parents and students more information here specific information on quarantine and I will allow you to read that at you if you came in this year of course if there was an exposure issue I would certainly be contacting you or the nurse would certainly be contacting you to figure out exact which which you would have to do with a quarantine or isolate okay these are these are questions from the last on parent night that we had with our 6th graders and so there's a lot of good questions here it's okay if some of them are doubled up tonight and we can we can certainly answer them again but if you wanted to read them you certainly could lots of questions let's see and yes and so we are we are currently practicing a concurrent teaching model so if your students are not in on campus in other words if you I use myself an example that I'm feral so I would be Monday and Tuesday on on Thursday and Friday I would be learning concurrently in the morning with while the B group was in person once again here's our know that was an older version of a schedule but that is it I believe yes okay let me stop there and I will be happy to take any questions or comments are concerned concerned at this point and you have any questions that you weren't able to answer are you would like to answer couple questions about the green screens and in particular with students who maybe you're coming on their own walking right in a fight how do they show their green screen in particular if they do not have a phone and I apologize I do still come to the door enter the same play so they're walking a riding a bike if it's still enter at the same location that's the front of school we try to make it the front of school the main drop-off just for Simplicity of it so no matter how your arriving to school that's how students should plan on entering school if they don't have a phone date there are a several ways that that you can accomplish it you could print it out you could print your let me show you here's a great example I think I can show you okay so you could always print out your green screen at home you can take us might my advice to you if I didn't explain this early enough once you can play the health screening you should you'll get a green screen and it'll look like this okay take a screenshot of that take a screenshot of that and then you can do students can use that when they arrive if you they don't have a cell phone like I said you can complete it at home and print out your green screen we've had a lot of kids come with a 8 and 1/2 by 13 copy paper copier printer paper with their green screen on it and then last case worst case scenario we can always do the health screening manually so it would just pass your your student the questions that are listed on the health screening so obviously that's that's not the best case scenario because they if they for instance if they got a red screen they didn't pass the health screening they would have already been on and potentially expose people so that's that is part of the reasoning behind doing it like I said be behind doing it prior to arriving to campus okay thank you some questions about music instruments I students bring them do they can they put them in the classroom when they arrive do we have arrangements for that I have seen that I would I would ask you to do contact me so directly about that I have seen her do a little bit about I've seen kids hold them until school starts but I'm also seeing her kids walking and dropping off the instruments in the morning with her so I think that you will be able to drop them off in the in her classroom and the good news if any of you have a son or daughter that plays a wind instrument I think we're getting close to being able to allow that to occur on campus Wild for the guidelines of our County Health Department are currently it's only streaming will air circulation systems be run all day during class time in all classes yes they will be the the circulated air are circulated air central air system is continuously run and then teachers like I said have individual air purifiers out there running as well okay and how about the kids that are learning at home. So the remote Learners what technology do we have that will help them here or what's happening in class do we have we're doing our best to to to anticipate again we're learning on the fly like all of us have done this year but we've done a great job that it was nice to have the sixth grade teachers back to figure out what we needed and where going to get our 7th and 8th grade teachers those things those tools that they need this week and the week prior to spring break as quickly as possible sometimes it's a little bit slower and frankly sometimes teachers don't I know exactly what they want to use until they're in their class in the end and seeing how things are flowing so we have many of our teachers have headsets that they're using so that the kids most importantly to the kids at home can hear what the resent that is the most important thing and we talked about with our teachers using a very simple practice of just reiterating what was said in class or what they what they may have said so you know for example sound so sad that was a great comment someone so sad X Y and Z just so they reiterated those kids at home and so we try to keep them on the same page but we did not we have that the white boards in classrooms and projectors are actually able to share anyways it's not a video image of the Whiteboard it's a it's a it's a projection from The Purge is from the projector so as much as that may not make sense basically what kids are seeing being projected kids are seeing on their screen as well so we're freaking set up it's a pretty basic but I think it is working I think you are carpals allowed carpals are not allowed there not supposed to be allowed I have seen them sometimes and you know frankly it's it's against what we're trying to accomplish you know it we have we have done a lot of flexibility moving from 60 to 3 feet of of separation between kids and our classrooms if you're not aware all Austin desperate were at the beginning of the year and this year the rule the guideline with 6-speed of social distancing as I'm sure we're all aware of but that included death that has recently been changed a 3ft obviously if you're in a car pool that you can accomplish and I also you know what I've also seen within carpools is that even if your car pulling many drivers if you will work presenting one green screen for the Arlo two people that are that is not going to be okay I'm for many reasons and while I'm thinking of that if you have if you have if you have multiple children at school siblings in other words sibling each student needs a green screen regardless if they're all in your family or not I know that some of this seems a little questionable but these are the practices that we have to abide by in order to try to keep our Community is healthy as possible thank you I'm how about a places4students to plug in their computers the practice of charging the night before I have three I know that that's not always realistic so we do we've received a very generous donation from has supplied power strip cords for the classroom at least one per classroom and if you know a power strip has many ports to it so if students need to charge at the during classroom it'll be available okay what's that about what classes they are seen throughout the day I wonder if you should maybe image again that shows what classes they're going to she's just still be a little confusion about that yeah I just saw it I don't like the way that one looks easier to read so this is it doesn't have two periods on her it is it is. It's one through its. through three you're following the same schedule you know your students will know I'm certain but the basically I can tell you it's. 1 through 3 on Monday in person than on Tuesday is for thirst in person and then on Thursday it's 4 through 6 in person Friday 1 through 3 in person the goal is that that help awagent remember this I think is the goal is that each group will see all of their teachers the first two days so Monday and Tuesday by the end of their day on Tuesday to a group will have seen periods 1 through 6 teachers in person okay I'm just checking either answered I think you mentioned this but there are few questions so maybe repeat about the bus CT Transit routes in in lines I do know that they are up and running and I've given them are giving them the schedule you're looking at and so they know what what the drop-off and pick-up times are I have as I said that I'm out there every morning or drop-off and I'm out there good morning for pickup and I have seen a PV Transit bus everyday in the morning and in the early evening late morning as well. PV Transit is up and running okay we'll put some questions about 0. + 0. Roar remaining online for the foreseeable future yeah difficulty about being tardy possibly because of yeah so we're going to be flexible with Hardee's and so-so for 7th graders that's our health teacher I've already discussed with him he's going to try to release kids a little bit early during asynchronous time so that they can get to to class on campus and the students taking a World Language at the high schools would arrive afterwards anyway so but moreover our overall we will be flexible with our students and and our parents ultimately understanding that you guys are the ones responsible to get them to to campus how about okay since there no lockers how did the kids bring their books so bring them in your backpack students are allowed to bring backpacks which I know flies in the face if everything we've did the middle school tragedy over the past year but they can bring their backpacks from the King carry their materials in their backpacks can they interact during PE class yes I can in there encouraged to do so that the teachers are doing a great job of keeping kids socially distance but also having having fun with the kids and get and allowing them to interact and an exercise gather so yes I can how about lunch is lunch provided lunch is on a grab-and-go basis you'll see that it is wet during pickup we are doing to-go lunches basically from the cafeteria and I believe at this point they are still free so if you want to lunch students can grab lunch or if you're in the we have them actually in the pickup line and you can grab lunch there so my only my only I only ask of all of you is that that if you do decide to get a lunch in the line when we try to be accommodating by putting them out there so we could do a group they could do it like a delivery service to the window where I set you to expedite that that transaction as quickly as possible so it has going fairly well you know but there are some there have been some slows online because for whatever reason I don't know maybe they didn't want mayonnaise or I don't know if they are available grab-and-go lunches everyday okay couple clarifying question spell PE independent study so if it is you know like I said before. Arrive late happy Independence Day is generally . so then that would be the third. Of the day on Tuesday and Thursday and you would just you would just you would leave early as so just have your your son or daughter either come to the front of school for pick up or I'm at their walking off campus they certainly can do so great and questions about drop would you like to tell them what time they can drop begin dropping students off so there will be a little bit of a dance with drop off we're trying to time and just so students don't send a lot of time waiting outside their class classroom for class to begin oh well someone obviously give ourselves enough time to check everybody in so I would ask that. You start dropping buy ice extension please help I don't remember if we landed on 7:50 or 8 and 7:50 please just left so many question about what kinds of PE activities might be offered that would be or exercise a lot audio exercises well that has been the extent of what I've I've seen so far I crave a lot more questions than we had last time. Florida answering them okay. That one oh okay question about students the green screen says you have to be 18 years or older so students being able to represent themselves another great question yes we are I know it says 18 years or older but we are asking that that students obviously not 18 years or older weather with parents guide us I think that's the rationale behind. Okay so far teachers rdla teachers will their students still come to campus another great question we do have about four or five teachers off the top of my head that will not be returning to campus for personal reasons and or their they're teaching dla do in those scenarios the students will be expected to still meet for the class and the teacher stream in to the class and there will be supervised by a staff member if it is not it is certainly not the majority in here which I think was just address but perhaps to clarify one more time red group comes Mondays and Tuesdays black groups group comes Thursdays and Fridays with everybody synchronous someone okay how about wind instruments should they bring them and you can again I would ask since you contact me so and she's been she's been great at trying to stay on top of the the guidelines and get her kit her band back together as soon as possible so I do we have been we've been in regular communication about their the changing guidelines and they are changing but as of now I don't I don't think when I know that wasn't instruments are not going to be okay for now but please email her because I do think that we have a we have she has more detail okay and I'm trying to find the link to actually put in here but maybe we'll just have it on the guy book but there was a question about will the health screening be sent to the students every morning now so it is not not send but like I said it's in the sky guide it's in the guidebook it's on our website I have sent it out numerous numerous times the best advice I can give to you is to please mark it on your phone and it'll make it your life much easier every morning rather than try to scramble for it while you're in the drop off line so he said this but actually do it before you arrive and to take a screenshot of it just because we have technical difficulties all the time question about computers being required and and maybe just generally supplies for yeah so please do bring your own device if you would like in again we have Chromebooks available so if you don't have a Chromebook please check one out in our library I need a 8 to 3 I would trade you if you wanting I got a Chromebook please do the bleach please do so this week so that you're ready to go on Monday if you're if you're coming to school on Monday kids will need to bring a device probably not a great idea I would I would suggest you there a laptop or a Chromebook okay and then questions about where they can see their schedules the classrooms so you know that kind of thing all that information is located on Ares if you have your students log on to their their schedule on their Student Portal that Aerie's Student Portal will have their schedule and the room room numbers listed okay go back to will also be available to help kids on the first day at knowing that they haven't actually been to these classes will have plenty of stop in and around campus to help them get their classes can they log into their classes yes yes they can I would ask that you please still contact our attendance clerk to let them know mr. number and if in theory if one sibling from a fam cast red and the other green they should both stay home yes it is raining actually says it said it indicates how many hybrid students are we have returning to campus I currently we have about 280 hybrid students total almost 600 until yes. I think you and I were answering that differently okay so PD Transit might be tight and so they're only 45 minutes between on campus and online with no time for lunch correct it's an idiot yes it may be and you know once again III it's not a perfect scenario and we're trying to do our best to to keep to put the first and we we we truly believe that keeping the students together either while their online and in-person or in the afternoon online together as well that is that was the goal here the original schedule that they hybrid schedule if you can schedule at the beginning of the year actually did not have this students learning simultaneously a group was on a campus B group is working asynchronous and be group was online afternoon and the age group is a synchronous so we truly believe that it's what's best for students to give them to keep them connected to keep them tied the school keep them accountable to school every single day we're going to be logging on or going in person so yeah I agree it is a challenge to get kids home and you know it all I can ask is that you give it a try and if it becomes a continual problem that doesn't seem to be able to work out and let me know and we will try to figure it out this is a great question will there be graduation ceremony a question yes there will be a in-person some sort of in-person ceremony on thank you to all of the volunteer parents that maybe you're on this webinar going up the graduation committee I believe we have a meeting next week just a friendly reminder in the current current guidelines are allowing for 30% capacity or occupancy if you will so we're working on some things I would hopefully fingers crossed us anticipate that we will continue to have more flexibility by the time we get you know to mid to late June in terms of r a but as of now we are planning for some version of an in-person ceremony and I will make sure to please ask ask all of you to stay up-to-date on your on the principles of because that's where the bulk of the information is coming from I'm regarding promotion another thing yes another question when will we know which teachers will not be coming to campus we lost all of those teachers to inform their kid that's before they Rockets okay here's a question PD Transit arrives around 7:15 at least that was last year and if they're not supposed to get there until 7:50 how will that work if that's if that's what the time is then then we will take your kid when they got there I will will we be notified a possible exposures if a student tests positive if you're a close contact yes you certainly would, because as the I am the covid-19 play officer for our school and so if your son or daughter unfortunately was was a close contact you would be notified and I would have to actually have to run that information Department of Public Health about if you had nothing to do with it you will not necessarily be notified however please remember that the district has a covid-19 board that they update on a weekly basis so you can always check their see if there was any situation that might had PDS or any school so just to clarify that the close contact would be as in students there sitting next to not somebody that have passed in the hallway all right yeah so any student in 6 ft and that'll be you know anyone in their immediate are real pretty much in any class cuz it's longer than 15 minutes within a 24-hour. That means anyone there sitting you know front inside side to side would be deemed to close contact the current the current guidelines though however state that you don't have to if I were if I was less a friend since I had I had symptoms but Miss Egan was sitting next to me I went home I'm now isolating because I have symptoms and I'm going to get to Eagan doesn't have to stop coming to school until obviously you know we find out if they if if if if if my if my call the test came back positive then it would affect as a close contact okay will teachers be requiring all students to be on camera when distance learning what circumstances for certain students that we are aware of but that is not going to change that's still the engagement component that is similar to our attendance accounting has the ventilation system changed since before the same system updated filter same system updated filters okay how about sanitizing between periods door knobs Etc that's that is that is happening in between periods so is there a standard for which type of covid-19 is accepted the PCR test for protein test not the rapid test when students arrived to school or they to go to their first class directly if that is PE where do they go so when when students arrive depending on what time they arrive we we try to collect the students up front is as long as possible again we don't want them hanging out you know in the bathroom outside of their classroom or doing something else so we try to collect them there as long as possible and then we release them so it'll be done the very first day you arrived or collecting kids as long as possible now that we're adding something it's good to the to the mix anticipate Walt will move them out in in groups as as they come will collect and then move them up because we don't want them also social distancing while they're being dropped off so we'll be moving them out as they arrive in small groups this is a great question which I do but how smoothly will the pickup line movie only have 45 minutes I'm going to project that it's going to be great it's going to it's going to run in all seriousness I don't I don't know again you know the motto one of our many models this year is there's nothing we can't fix so if you if it if it doesn't work out that first week if you're late whatever you know that we will make it there we have 10 weeks left in the school year and I think we can do this you know we will have to work together as we have every step of the way this year it's been a coordinated effort it's been collaborate and it's been it's been great so far in terms of that I've seen great things out of this community in and our students in our and our teachers are like all working together to try to to try to make the most out of this situation so yes there's going to be challenges certainly going to be challenges out there at the onset of next week but we will rest assured we will address any issues that we have and our goal is to get it get it going as smoothly and as efficiently as possible okay so I think I didn't ask this question correctly so I'm going to just read it as it is here do we have HEPA filters will the doors be left open will there be cleared direct flow of outside air doors are left open. And again they have CrossFit Elation in Ark I'm very pleased that I'm very pleased with our second I think it's about as good as it can get in this District if not the best cross ventilation with HEPA air purifiers portable one and we have forced air into the classrooms drawing fresh air from the outside and pushing it through the classrooms that are is not circulated from our central air through the classes it's not circulate drawn in and pushed out continuously maybe clarify about pick up one more time so do they go through the line do they Park the line please go through the line and pick up I know many of our parents are very very Savvy with this and and I and kids I think our will probably be Wok I'm down you know down the street a ways to fit to meet the ride which is fine for if that that works for your grades pick up is because we're not taking kids and it's a little bit more flexible but we also you know we also have a time constraint all this a which we want to run to get home and online one of the things I have noticed this week is that that many parents have been parking in Switching gears to drop off have been parking in the drop off line and and dropping off their end and that's okay if you do obviously we just want to make that that that processes quickly what's 1 as efficiently as possible we all have to work together okay couple of questions about why is TV Transit allowed and not crackling I will because I can social distance on their buses how about feel like we are getting pretty close here will any school days be added back to the calendar no I'm not at this time there's no plans for that if you haven't seen I don't I'm not sure if the summer school program information has been distributed vs but they there is plans for some remediation types of offerings for kids this summer I don't know if that's why you were asking but Brothers Auto additional school days being on it okay how about social distancing at pickup to be having any Mark spaces how do we encourage that the kids are actually doing a really good job of that we just like I said we have said we have a lot of adults out there and we we just try to remind them is really we have a lot of floor markings throughout the campus but you know 300 floor markings at the drop-off location wouldn't be wouldn't be possible, but we try to keep them spaced out as possible and really really emphasizing moving kit getting kids in and out as quickly as possible as well so that helps obviously a lot of lot of hair in the front of the of the school you know we have a lot of very appropriate for kids to be you know they can be done by the NPR they can be in front of the library they can be in the in the covered walkway area and I am confident that the parents and students as well as we do why do kids we figure out a routine you know where maybe I text my daughter when I'm 2 minutes away so be ready I'm almost there I'm going to whatever that that may be frankly my daughter trucks me and knows exactly when I'm pulling up I know we can work it out I know it is going to be a big challenge like I said it certainly will be a big challenge pick up will be a big Challenge and will we will adjust if we need to but I am confident that reaching we can get it done okay I'm there was there were several questions about vaccinations for teachers I don't know if they are but on other take the dive they're not mandated to get vaccinations I would say most of our teachers and PBIS have chosen to be vaccinated and our assignments still turned in electronically most assignments will be yes if there is it if there's a situation a classroom where they're you know maybe they're doing it a test by hand one thing I can assure you is not going to be passed for a word if a teacher wants to take wants to take that that Rizzo speak and collect all of them then that's been left up to the teacher it is definitely not the preferred practice anytime we can avoid materials that are that are past our shared we will be okay I also could just make a disclaimer to everyone I've noticed that my n does not seem to be working so if there ends left out of the words that I apologize but seeing those out the back books we don't we don't really have textbooks there are some classes that have textbook there honestly few and far between I believe the only language arts probably has a textbook I mean has a core novel and I think I don't even think so I think Health maybe does there are very few classes that actually have assigned to textbook already but a lot of the teachers to make that. Call if they want your kids to bring the textbook then then those play let them know okay and how about the internet how will it support so many 20 minutes that our excuse me before our webinar this evening it's been pretty good it's mostly reliable I don't I don't think it's crashed while we've had kids on campus will be you know will be double thing the amount Dolby on Wi-Fi I would anticipate certainly that that we will have Wi-Fi issues or we'll have internet issues obviously this year were more dependent upon that way but yes I would anticipate that we will have some fun but the good news is maybe because I was just actually on the phone with technology from District before I arrived to the webinar Maybe maybe we had a fatal crash and will be getting an upgrade tomorrow or the following days before our all of our kids come onto campus nevertheless will make sure we will we will adjust needed yeah I honestly think of this is one of the few times that I think the entire year it's gone down in the first was a giant wind storm so okay set an alarm. I think the kids obviously that would be learning at home while the kids are in person would be at a disadvantage for her teachers have been great if the internet went down again by teachers are great don't look at your kids up and let them know they're direct messaging that you know here's what we did here's what you miss becomes available okay and then how many eighth grade teachers are coming back to teach in person I believe mostly all of them once again I don't know about I don't believe World language in Spanish in person but I believe everyone else will be on campus again your teachers will inform you the kids if they're not going to be there play n e r questions I think we answered them all I think you need a wonderful job that was a lot of question okay if carpooling not allowed and transportation is a big issue can we have our child zoom into classes every day that we have here is based on in person learning and I honestly I wish I would prefer not I don't think it is the stupidest best advantage while students have an in-person option another kids are at home would be at home I don't think that's at preferred option okay and where can I see the recording of the meeting well I will a post it online I'm on our website and then I also have a principles update going out on this weekend and all included there as well I'll try to if you're familiar with our website we have some general information of top of when you scroll about halfway down there are there a ton of links for different things that are going on is called the news and alert H&M will be there okay oh we got a really great thank you so thank you mr. Farrell is there a couple more questions okay we've already answered this but I think maybe just for final clarification if your child has a child has to miss because they are sick can they take glass bracelet Yes yes again we want to you know if they're if they're safe but I try again please contact miss nuber our attendance Court as you typically would we just want to make sure that all kids are accounted for appropriate and that if students are in fact that we wanted we want to be supportive if we're asking kids to stay home while we want to be support if they're not feeling well we want to be supportive in that in that effort to our family so yes I can do that virtually continue virtually okay I think we did it it's all thank you is now once again that was that was a lot of work and I think you handled that beautifully all the questions and parents are you the registrations were last minute are intercepted go down south to get everyone here and once again at you know what a year we have all experienced and I just can't thank everyone in this Community the parents of the kids and staff and teachers enough for their continued patience flexibility understanding and willingness to try to try to work it out and always keeping kids at the at the four and if we leave with that I think that we will give it ourselves the best shot the best product for it so I thank you all once again this evening thank you very much as always please be well and if you have any questions at any time. Free to reach out to me or mistaken thank you have a nice evening
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