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Sea King News | February 2021
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Added Feb 21, 2021
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welcome back sticking news my name is Adrian Miller and we have a lot to show you today next we have our favorite commentator Lucas about the stock market and the latest with the right investors recently on the news in the web Market is taking the World by storm on Twitter and Reddit it's not unlikely that you've heard the following few terms gme to the moon and hold the line actually mean a question I'll be answering on the first and likely final episode GameStop alright GM likely one of the most spoken terms we've heard in the past few weeks but what does it mean well gme is the stock market abbreviation for GameStop the company at the Nexus this whole situation before we review I'd like to go a little bit and further on what that means any artist multiple stock Traders GameStop is a failing company and it kind of is or was with the pandemic and everything it's very hard to sell physical copies of your games and so in its recent life the stock price average about $5 for reference Enterprise Rent-A-Car averages around a $20 stock price not for Mendes but good and that tends to be the average so why has the stock skyrocketed lately and companies can do this thing called shorting and shorting is the process of betting against a Company Success so that they profit if the company goes belly-up GameStop is one of the most publicly shorted companies in existence so much so that it's actually been shorted more than actual stocks exist this puts a lot of negative pressure on GameStop usually an added bonus of shorting it helps drive that company into the ground a group of writers from the subreddit Wall Street bets a place for amateur traders to YOLO their money into one stock notices and since their group idolizes Elon Musk who was shorted heavily in the early days of his Tesla company they saw an opportunity and jumped at the chance to fight back against the big companies who have done them wrong so they poured money into GameStop and the results came back quite positively lots of them are trying to profit because of this negative pressure that they were able to defeat and this process is called a short squeeze it's not an uncommon maneuver but it's never been done of this scale as the writers call it they want to take this stuff to the Moon figurative language for making the stock price go up tremendously but we can come risks there's a chance of price can crash go back to or below what it was originally or just decrease significantly we saw one of those crashes yesterday Jimmy's price went from 350 to 100 Steelers Can I mount up 405 however as mentioned by that group of redditors the investors should stand their ground or hold the line which means not sell yet a short squeeze has not been restricted to only GameStop however Nokia BlackBerry AMC have all seen similar patterns along other companies however GameStop is of the most magnitude so what does this mean for the common Joe like you were me while since this event does not affect us directly it is still in Port how to pay attention to the stock market as we grow older the market will change and it is imperative that we stay tuned and listening learn about this kind of thing to survive in this world and Lucas bustillos is seeking thank you Lucas that was great as usual highly encouraged us to go out into nature you live in such a beautiful area with such beautiful nature so why not go out I see I see things nature is all around us nature now I know what you must be thinking oh how boring but actually nature doesn't have to be born in me relaxing Take a walk on the grass after a stressful day to smell flowers and in the wind I just look around and nature can be cold did you know that lemons contain more sugar than straw Mary's it's true also 85% of plant life is found in the ocean and finally did you know that cats have 32 muscles in each ear pretty crazy so nature give me a relaxing fun place to be in and enjoy especially here TV there so many beautiful places to visit you can go to the beach go hiking or just enjoy your surroundings that's nature so the next time you're feeling bored and you don't know what to do take a look outside you might be surprised to how relaxing is fun in my pee thanks for walks watching such a beautiful place with the nature surrounding us including just in our backyards and the amazing uses can help relieve a lot of stress in such a stressful like this I'm getting off track hi my name is Lucas Macias and our next story comes from Quinton Adrian we're also encouraging all of us to get out into nature the national parks have been closed off during the pandemic but some have actually vote open back up Yosemite National Park is open but only by reservations to drive through it is a great time to get out and be in the Great PC games through the Coronavirus Park Yosemite was established in 1980 make me the third National Park in the United States after Yellowstone and Sequoia to even be able to get a reservation you need to wait up for 5 months 50% capacity the past week and my partner Adrian took a trip to Yosemite when arriving at Yosemite when you get hungry you can go to Jackman's Loft middle priced deli style restaurants whether you're not you're making a reservation for a day trip or overnight trip has very pretty Landscaping interesting wildlife discrimination Islamic story is a fun one. I see Kings on Briley Island and stay my partner immature Gran's and I are going doing a review on Randy's. I think I'm going to give it a 7 out of 10 first up for review is this Cheerios Donuts so for this one I would give it a lot of town is really sweet but it's really good matcha green tea I ate at 10. Is this old fashioned lemon one so I like this one a lot too so I'm going to give this one a 7 or 10 so this is a blueberry ice espresso monkey it looks really good really good and I really love this one this one's the maple iced cake Long John and I'm going to give it a step this one's between braised with sprinkles at 9 and then last but not least is this one's got like a chocolate frosting this one's when my favorite are all it was really good so I definitely recommend you go check out Randy's Donuts and thanks for watching Briley Island and I'm sure getting so signing off my favorite would be they're delicious glazed donuts hi my name is Max Tudor our last story comes from Ariana and Abigail on some of the best anime coming this year one of my favorite anime is the anime one piece healthy King's Day me and Abby will be talking about new animes that are trending this spring so not everyone knows but anime is so what is it an amazing very popular Japanese animation style over the years more and more and I may have been created so here's what we trans people in the community or even those who are new and interested in watching anime basically a new anime named Jiu-Jitsu case and has been trending in the TV and and is in the action and adventure genre Jiu Jitsu casein takes place in the world with evil eye dead he's called curses which feed and grow off negativity from him and not all of them are bad though the main character's name is Eugene who is the 15 year old normal teenager app the main climax at the beginning of the show is when each other D sacrifices himself to save his friends by possessing the evil curse to Canal during this would cause a lot of trouble considering he now has an evil person side of his body taken in by force by teachers who get rid of evil curses and Sorcerers in order to use the evil curse inside of him as an advantage to destroy other evil curses and save people violet evergarden beautiful accident Japan Disney movie was on hold for many months anime has made his way back with the signs in August man what do plantains look like in human stool other side is science enough to say to yours want to see food finally a new tell me about skateboarding character for his name rikai and he's a high school sophomore he's a skater from takes getting to the extreme when he goes to a highly secret and dangerous skateboarding race against tough rivals there he needs Blanca who was the snowboarder who used to live in Canada become friends and Ricky decides to teach him how to skate and to top it all off there's a really cute skater cap in the anime the art sounds enemies truly beautiful even though they're only a few episodes out so far I can tell it's going to be awesome that's it for today seeking back in March though for the first show of our third trimester happy Friday and be sure to watch her credits as we spot like Mist emergence awesome student photos from our digital photography class
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