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Congratulations 8th Graders!
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Added Jun 11, 2020
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welcome back to King's I'm Kenzie to us and I'm filling in for Lola and Tyler of the school year I agree I've loved my time in this program we have a special service today quite like the usual but everything is different first off we have some final words to mr. Farrow I don't even know where to begin what up first you here for me as principal to come into PBIS again what a wonderful is grade class to me to have the advantage to be with during the most challenging time easily in my life and in my career and to me that's it it's been about all of you and how strong and courageous smart creative and the list goes on and terms of the personal attributes so I am very honored to have spent this year with all of you we certainly grew together through the challenges I encourage everyone now to be safe and be respectful to one another that really is important I think we have an opportunity to really mix progress has people together until you guys are going to be the change agents moving forward and you will benefit and it in the younger Generations will also benefit from the work that all of you are doing or will be doing in the very near future I'm excited for you guys I really am completely heartbroken by the fact that we were lost out on the end of the year more time for us to have experiences together and especially for our 8th grade class who has worked so hard to earn these end-of-the-year Privileges and activities and it's it really is a milestone that that you missed out on the time we have left I hope we can enjoy one another and I'm looking very very much forward to our drive to Sarah next week one last time for us to get it get together and really celebrate everything that we've done this is this is history that we are in the midst of but I think everyone from the bottom of my heart my love school I love where I'm at and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to begin my career with that Pew guy us don't underestimate their power as the individual as most of you know I will get a new car he will be missed even though she was a answers phone on the time however I think this weekend will be a great addition to our family next dancing scene from 8 grade graduation and the guard I wanted to send you off with a few parting words amazing TV is Camp this week give us wisdom in the classroom and help us with life outside of it reminder for not seeing hugging high-fiving playing music having lunch taking selfies working out and competing with classmates bandmates friends and it will be a time we look back and remember anxieties Sears loneliness and sadness and sometimes giving them all on the same day but it will also be the time we stepped outside of the box realizing we are all strong smarter than we thought the time we learned about the Articles of Confederation quadratic equations vocabulary natural selection discipline and from home and just how much they love teaching us and that they have may have missed us more than we miss them also remember how we feel about each other's feelings and safety as well as our own lights on how amazing our parents and families are and just how much we appreciate the many miles it's on their cars taking us everywhere we needed to go from school fundraisers to music games to after-school clubs rehearsals social Gatherings and zero. As we look to the Future whether we become a panther or seeking we will take with us everything we have learned a TV is remember every moment every smile heartbreak test performance concert and cherish it all remember hours I keep going because the rest of our stories are still to be written in the passive you take from here awhile sweater-wearing compromise it was nice to see everyone but it's Christian clothing in Middle School what is something that you miss about our 8th grade year I'm asking you missing a Disney trip and crayons and graduation however I'm most upset to be missing a fun day that we were so hot. What about you after waiting all this time now he has two memorable plants from some of the eighth graders to send him as of the last year at the DIA I was thinking about the band I was thinking about the fan passenger the growing up Pat and Jen now that I'm here when I was real young okay the bottle back up with the window worried about what other people thought and felt comfortable with myself. Open Mega ran out who I was okay maybe we're still young you always look back and think it was better than I was thinking about the past while missing out on now so far night I got this car broken finger symptoms the good okay similar songs
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