Palos Verdes Intermediate School

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Principal's Update 10-2-22

Sea Kings Families,
 In this District and at PVIS, we continually use data from standardized assessments such as the CAASPP (math, ELA, science), iReady (math and reading), and subject tests to guide instruction and identify areas of need in student achievement. One comparison we have researched is our CAASPP assessment results from 2018-19 to last year. 
With that said, our comparison data for students that "MET OR EXCEEDED" the standard is below: 
In order to increase the academic achievement of every student this year, we have developed and started implementing classroom strategies. We have also developed additional measures for students who received below-average test results.
If you ever have any questions about our standardized test scores or academic intervention please do not hesitate to contact me. Our community is a large part of our school and District's success and we are lucky to live and work in a place that always puts students first.
Micah J. Farrell, Principal
 Be Legendary 
School Spirit Days: 
Tuesdays: Tye-Dye
Fridays: Fun Socks
In an effort to stress the importance of our assessments like iReady and CAASPP we will notify families of our testing dates in advance. Please check in with your student and ask them how they think they performed, remind them to do their best, and get to bed early before test days. :) 
iReady Assessment #2 Window: 11/28-12/23
iReady Assessment #3 Window: 2/27-3/24

For Your Information



Important reminders | School of Imagination




Be Sure to Mark Your Calendars Now For

Upcoming PTSA Meetings!

October 18- Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) Presentation 

November 16- Internet Safety 

March 21- Balance for the Healthy Student 


PBIS Update

We're focusing on "hard work" for the month of October.  With daily quotes in the morning bulletin and opportunities for students to reflect on their attitude and effort, we want all Sea Kings to appreciate the value of working hard towards their goals.  Parents, you can reinforce this idea.  Help your child(ren) develop a growth mindset by praising effort instead of results.  Instead of saying, "Great job on the test; you're so smart," try saying, "I noticed how well you focused while studying."  For more tips, visit MindsetWorks
PVIS celebrated the first Fri-Yay! of the school year.  Highlights of the day included the Fun Sock Friday raffle, Dominos pizzas for students who had their names drawn for having been their "PVIS BEST," and the announcement of September's SPARK award recipients (Students Practicing Attitudes of Respect and Kindness).  Congratulations!
Looking ahead-
  • Digital Citizenship Week is the 3rd week in October.  We are excited to bring "Screenagers" to campus.  The film may be a few years old, but the topic remains timely.  All students will view the film in their Social Studies class.  SAVE THE DATE: A special showing for parents will take place on Tuesday, October 25th.  More details to come.
  • Red Ribbon Week is the 4th week in October.  We look forward to a week of activities to raise awareness, educate, and encourage students to lead drug-free lives.

News & Announcements


Connect With Your School Counselor and/or Support Specialist

Our support staff is here to support you. Learn more about schedule changes, counseling support, and more.



Oct 5

NO SCHOOL | October 5th

Local Holiday




PBIS Update

October Focus: HARD WORK




XCountry Meet Results

So proud of all of our Sea Kings!!




Picture Make-up Day

Save the Date, October 6th




iReady Assessment Dates

Please save the dates for the upcoming iReady test dates and begin having conversations with your students.



reflections 22-23

Reflections 22-23 information | October 15, 2022

“Show Your Voice!” is the theme for the 2022-23 Reflections Art Program.




Yearbook Sales Open!

Please follow the link to purchase a PVIS 2022-23 yearbook! Hurry to order prices go up soon!



middle school

Intermediate School Vocal Ensemble

Thursdays, 9/29 - 12/3/22,  from 4 - 5:30pm at Peninsula High School Room S33



middle school

Intro to Stage Production

Tuesdays, 10/4/ - 11/15/22 at 430-6p at PV Peninsula High School  Performing Arts Center


Are you following us on Social Media? 

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How to make images accessible for people

All District programs, activities, and practices shall be free from unlawful discrimination, including discrimination against an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, ethnicity, age, religion, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or genetic information; a perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

Title IX Contact: Richard Licciardello, 310-378-9966 x 417

Section 504 Contact: Michael Bosler, 310-378-9966 x 444

375 Via Almar, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274