Sea Kings Families,
Please join me in showing appreciation to our extraordinary teachers for their excellent preparation and professionalism. Back to school night was a great success and just another example of how lucky we are to have the very best team here at PVIS.
There is no shortage of discussion on state and local health and safety guidelines; one thing that we can all agree on is that these guidelines do create more work, and some are even uncomfortable.
I think it's imperative to clarify that our goals are to keep students on campus learning academically, personally, and socially and keep staff and our community safe. We must acknowledge and respect that members within our community will have different comfort levels and acceptance of the county guidelines. As the Principal and COVID Compliance Officer for our site, my number one priority is safety. We need each and everyone to commit to our Sea Kings family. When you step foot on to our campus, our home, please be sure you and your student(s) are wearing your mask (covering mouth and nose) at all times, maintaining social distance, washing your hands, and most importantly, stay home if you or your student(s) exhibit symptoms. FOCUS ON OUR GOALS...FOCUS ON EACH OTHER.
In preparing for the new school year, our staff agreed our priority should be connecting authentically with students. The CA Healthy Kids Surveys data suggest that positive student-adult relationships can help students earn better grades, improve attendance, and lead to better social and emotional wellbeing. This goal was developed mainly to that data, but equal to that, we recognized that students were coming back to school after 18 months of learning from home. During this time at home, we as parents (I am guilty) may have let our guard down to make our kids happy by allowing them more time on social media, gaming, or self-indulgent things because they were sacrificing other parts from their pre-COVID lives. As such, it may take students some time to reacclimate to school. We have seen this in the first month of school, in that students are missing a basic understanding of our school-wide expectations.
Setting clear expectations and encouraging our Sea Kings to be their very BEST is important to our school culture and success. This week we showed a video to review our PBIS BEST (Be Safe, Encourage Kindness, Show Integrity, and Take Action) expectations. Next, week Ms. Egan and I will visit every classroom to reaffirm with our students. We will continue to focus on connecting, building rapport, trust, and improving the school culture experience for all.
Take care and as always, reach out for anything...
Micah J. Farrell
Proud Principal
In this Issue:
Fall Sports Update
Message from PVE Police Department
6th Grade Fulcrum Event
Updated Quarantine Protocols (News & Announcements)
Booster Club Fall Athletics Update
At this time, we are suspending flag football and girls' volleyball because we have been unable to hire coaches for the teams. We have made every attempt to recruit, but so far, we have been unsuccessful. If you know of anyone that may be interested, don't hesitate to get in touch with Mr. Farrell at
[email protected]
We plan to run our winter booster club sports; please stay tuned for more information or check the Booster Club website.