Palos Verdes Intermediate School

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Principal's Update March 21, 2021

Sea Kings Families,
We have a great deal of information to cover in this Principal's Update as we welcome 6th grade students to campus Monday, March 22; and welcome back our 7th and 8th grade students April 12.
I would like to begin by saying THANK YOU!!
THANK YOU to our teachers and staff for working tirelessly to prepare for return, while continuing to teach and support our students. Please show your support for our PVIS educators, they truly are the best of the best. 
THANK YOU to our parents and guardians. Your support does not go unnoticed, and we know you too are balancing the demands of every day life in addition to the demands distance learning has imposed. 
THANK YOU to our PTSA and Booster Club. We were able to host Wednesday socials and successfully welcome back Cross Country, Lacrosse, and other clubs back to campus because of our dedicated parent leadership and support. 
THANK YOU to our students. I am so proud of each and every one of you. Your best is always best, and we know you are working hard. 
Every single one of you has contributed to our being honored as a
California Distinguished School. 
Hybrid students will be divided into two groups, an "A - Red Group" and "B - Black Group" using an alpha split. We are are working on the exact split within the alpha for the 7th and 8th grade classes. 7th and 8th grade groupings will be finalized and communicated to parents during the week of April 5th.
Please continue to do your part and focus on each other. Current guidelines still stress the importance of avoiding nonessential travel. If your Spring Break plans do include leaving the state and you come home on that Sunday, the first day that your child can come to school/on-campus activities/sports is April 15. (this includes vaccinated individuals, more detailed information below in a message from our nurse).  Please be sure to communicate with us, and know that there is nothing we cannot work out together. We will continue to stress the importance of flexibility and patience from all. 

Please review the PVIS Return to Campus Guidelines here, and note that we will update this routinely as guidelines change. You can find revisions listed on page 2 of the document. 
SHOW US YOUR GREEN SCREEN: Be sure to bookmark the screening site CLICK HERE    (it's also on our website). Remember to have your "green screen" screenshot ready, prior to leaving your home to ensure connectivity isn't an issue and we can get your student on to campus quickly. Your patience is greatly appreciated, we will get through this together. 
Second Trimester Grades Are Viewable: Login To Your Aeries Account HERE 
We are excited to bring our Sea Kings back, and will continue to do everything we can to support you and your student. Please do not hesitate to reach out. 
Be sure to review the following below:
Yearbook Information (for every book purchased, a tree will be planted in our school's name and you have the ability to personalize your own page....see below)
World Language
7th & 8th Grade Information Night: Registration Required
whats-next.jpg | No Jitter

What's Next for 7th & 8th Grade Hybrid Return

Hybrid Virtual Informational Parent Night- April 6th. Registration Required HERE  
Hybrid students will be permitted to bring their own devices for continued access to learning platforms while also learning in person. If you would prefer or need to check out a Chromebook please check one out at the PVIS library Monday-Friday 8-3 PM. 

Friday, March 26


We will be utilizing the "Wednesday Asynchronous Schedule"



Spring Break (March 29-April 2)

Enjoy your time away from school, rest, recharge and please be sure you are following guidelines.


8th Grade Promotion Update

LA County is in the "Red Tier" of COVID positivity rates. This is a positive sign in the likelihood that we will be able to have some form of an in person 8th grade promotion ceremony.We have a volunteer promotion committee established and are in the process of planning multiple options. Please stay tuned for updates.

Wednesday WEB Activities


All 6th grade students are invited to attend a series of after school activities that will focus on student connection and social interaction with peers and PVIS staff.                                         

 Please sign up for activities HERE  


News & Announcements

virtual counselor

Connect With Your School Counselor and/or Support Specialist

Our support staff is here to support you virtually. Learn more about schedule changes, counseling support, and more.



chinese class

World Language at PVIS

Students! Interested in taking a world language in intermediate school? Check out our Chinese world language program!



what to expect

What's Next for 7 & 8 Grade Hybrid Return

Registration is required to attend this informational webinar.




PVIS Yearbook

We have a yearbook and for every book you purchase, a tree will be planted in our school's name. You also have the option of personalizing pages. Deadline is March 29. 



return to campus

PVIS Return To Campus Guidelines

Please review our return to campus protocols to ensure we are all doing our part to protect one another.



6th Grade Hybrid Parent Night

6th Grade Hybrid Parent Night Recording

If you were unable to join us for the 6th Grade Hybrid Parent Information night, you can now review the recording here. Please note we have since made revisions to the safety manual. As guidelines change, we will revise the digital manual, and all revisions will be noted on 2nd page for your quick review. Thank you for your continued support and flexibility.




Palos Verdes Intermediate School Receives California Distinguished School Award

Congratulations Sea Kings Community!! I am grateful and honored to be your Principal.




Spring Break & Travel Guidelines

Please read the current travel guidelines for LA County. 6th grade families cooperation with the guidelines is very much appreciated as we have worked and will continue to keep our PVIS community healthy and safe. #TravelLocal




PVPUSD Statement Regarding The Attacks In Georgia

Please read the following statement regarding the horrific attacks that occurred last week in Georgia. Today and every day, the PVPUSD community stands with our Asian American and Pacific Islander students and their families.




Join PTSA 2020-2021

You belong in PTSA!   The number one reason to join the PTSA is to benefit your child!




Booster Club 2020-2021

Our goal is to create a positive & welcoming campus and to provide something for everyone at PVIS. Thank you, Amy Roche President, PVIS Booster Club




May 24th Board of Education Meeting Agenda

Click here to review this week's board meeting agenda.



district safety

COVID-19 Safety Plan and School Guidance Checklist

View COVID-19 Safety Plan and School Guidance Checklist online




District COVID-19 Dashboard

PVPUSD is providing information regarding COVID-19 cases on our campuses, while also maintaining privacy and confidentiality for our students and staff. The data below represents the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases among District students and staff on our campuses (in-person instruction and on campus only). This data will be updated regularly and as cases are confirmed. If viewing on a mobile device, please scroll right to see all columns of data and note the column headings.




Connectivity Issues

We understand issues come up with technology, and they are out of our control. Please review our recording procedure.



class of 2025

Class of 2025- High School Selection

Palos Verdes Peninsula High School and Palos Verdes High School invite grade 8 students and their parents/guardians to learn more about our high schools by attending virtual counseling informational sessions.


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