Week of May 4-8

Happy May the 4th Be With You!
Important due dates this week.  Both Dance and PE has Fitness logs from 4/27-5/8 due on Friday, May 8.  Please be sure to fill out the logs correctly with you SOF, strands of fitness, and your 3 sets of curl-ups and push-ups 3x a week for full credit.  Dancers should be working on finishing their choreography that is due next week as part of their overall 45 min. of workout time.  Dance also has Flipgrid #3 titled Beginning, middle, and end due on 5/8 asking about planning the end of your dance.  Please feel free to email me at [email protected]  if you have any questions.  I am also available to chat through Teams during the day if you find that is easier.  I will be sending out progress reports this week, so if you are missing assignments on Aeries please send them to me ASAP.
Have a great week!