The Promotion Ceremony
The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
Wednesday, June 6th, 2018 at 4 pm
The 8th Grade Promotion ceremony will be held on the big field at Palos Verdes Intermediate School, located at 2161 Via Olivera, Palos Verdes Estates. The Ceremony will start promptly at 4:00pm and will last one hour.
Student’s names will be called, and certificated issued at the beginning of the Promotion Ceremony.
All 8th grade students must report to the MPR at 3:30 p.m. to line up for the Ceremony.
Your student’s attire should be dressy-casual. Flip-flops, shorts, and jeans are not acceptable dress. Boys should wear collared shirts with ties and dress shoes. Girls may wear dresses that are modest and appropriate. Students dressed inappropriately will be excused from the processional lineup and will not be allowed to participate.
Please use the school side staff, blacktop area, and the surrounding streets. Illegally parked cars will be towed. We do have a limited number of handicap spaces available. No limousines are allowed on campus. The front parking lot is reserved for PVIS faculty.
The only reserved seating at the Ceremony will be for the 8th-grade students and the auction event winners. Please do not arrive before 3:00 p.m. as the seating area will not be accessible to guests prior to this time.
A professional photographer has been employed to take a quality photo as each student receives their certificate. The photographer will be available to take family photos after the ceremony. There will also be the Class of 2018 promotion activities video available to all 8th-grade families.
General Information:
8th Grade students may not bring cameras, purses, phones, coats, bouquets, etc. There will be no secure storage for such items and they will not be allowed in the procession. Students and guests are asked to respect the other student and families. Please turn cell phones off, remain in your seat, and do not leave your seat during the ceremony. Plan to meet your child on the field after the conclusion of the Ceremony.
Congratulations Class of 2018!