Josh J.
Josslyn J.
Nathan P.
Kaylee B.
Giovanna W.
Sea Kings Families,
As we begin to close out the school- let's take moment to reflect on our first full in person school year post pandemic. Achievement gaps might not yet be totally obvious, but it is safe to say all of us, both adults and students, found it challenging to adjust to the new social environment. Many of our students had never visited our school, while others had only had limited exposure, and still others, like our eighth graders, were never truly able to experience the transition from being small fish to large fish.
All of the above factors contributed to a lengthier transition period at the start of the year, as we were still getting to know one another and setting expectations. Every year, our staff's foremost objective is to establish relationships with students and cultivate an environment of kindness and compassion. One successful adult-student interaction can boost a student's self-esteem, academic drive, and overall achievement.
I am proud of all that we have accomplished this year, but it isn't over yet. Let's finish strong Sea Kings, and come to school every day as our PVIS B.E.S.T!!
Every Student. Every Day.
Have a great week Sea Kings.
Micah J. Farrell, Principal
Congrats to the PVIS National Junior Honor Society for being awarded the YouthServiceAmerica and HersheyCompany grant and completing their Senior Citizen Care Package Project! Students wrote their own grand and used the money to purchase games and activities to share with local senior communities.
We are very proud of our school's NJHS team.
Kyra Tang (NJHS president) and Charles Liu visited senior centers in the community to share games and activities purchased through the Youth Service of America grants.
Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you PTSA for a wonderful week of treats for our teachers!
THANK YOU To Stefani Turner our outgoing President and WELCOME To Jennifer Handjian our incoming President.
Thank you for the beautiful HSA luncheon this week- always one of my favorite events of the year because we get to honor all those that make our school so special.
Congrats to Dr. A and the student yearbook staff!
They were awarded a gold medal from Jostens Yearbook Company. The medal was awarded for the quality of photography, coverage of school activities, events, and academics, and inclusion of all students in the yearbook. In fact, 60% of the student body appears in the book at least 3 times!
8th Grade Glow Party!
Last Friday we held our 8th-grade dance/Glow Party and the kids had a great time! Thank you to the parents and volunteers for organizing the event. Thank you to the parent and staff chaperones too!
Congrats to our PVIS ROV (remotely operated vehicle) Team for their Second Place Finish!
Last weekend our ROV team competed at Long Beach City College against high school teams and almost came away with a first-place finish- we will get them next year! Thank you Mr Garman for coaching our kids and to our Boosters for sponsoring the team.
Reminders for the week:
Friday, May 26 is a Minimum Day
Friday, May 26 is our Last Fri Yay Celebration and Pep Assembly
Monday, May 29 is Memorial Day NO SCHOOL
All Week- Be Legendary