Palos Verdes Intermediate School

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Welcome Back Sea Kings! Principal's Update August 2022


Jason Evans - Sales Manager - Zeigler Automotive Group | LinkedIn








Sea Kings Families,

Welcome back to PVIS and welcome to our newest Sea Kings. Middle school can be a challenging time for most. Young teenagers are trying to find their place while also dealing with biological changes. They are seeking more independence, but still need and want their parents guidance (no matter how many eye rolls you may get)- tumultuous!

I offer a couple of pieces of advice to share with your kids and recite often.

  • Be Kind & Show Respect Always

  • Don't Get Involved in Drama- Block Out the Negative and Always Ask Yourself "Why is this Person Telling Me this?" 

  • Be Yourself & Trust Yourself, Resist Trying to be "Popular". Being Popular is a Myth!

  • Try Harder in Classes You Don't Like

  • Trust Your Teachers They Are Here to Help 

This year our vision is to continue to excel academically, focusing on bringing all students to grade level or above in math and ELA, through targeted direct instruction, intervention, and/or small group support. We will also continue doing everything we can to support your child(ren) socially, and emotionally. In many ways, we learned that when students returned to us from online learning they were lacking an understanding of basic expectations and social cues. In some ways we need to reset and start from scratch. It is incumbent upon us to bring the kids along with patience, fairness, and clear communication. Please help us and our PVIS community meet our goals, successful kids will be the result. 


Don't forget to join our PTSA and Booster Club today! 

Micah J. Farrell

Principal of PVIS


Please join us in welcoming our newest staff: 











Jennifer Sharp, science teacher. Please help welcome Jen to our family. I am grateful to have Jen aboard and joining our awesome science department; I know she will be a compliment to their team.




Eri Neville(not pictured), ELA teacher/ELL Lead. Mrs. Neville is returning to PVIS after a couple of years at another PVPUSD school site. Very happy to have her back, she is a wonderful teacher and person.



Allison Ruvalcaba, PE teacher. Welcome, Ms. Ruvalcaba to her first office position after subbing for our District. She will replace Dr. Corwin who was promoted. Ms. Ruvalcaba is a former college athlete and is super excited to start her career at PVIS.



I am also very excited to announce that Ms. O will be taking over as our ASB/Leadership teacher. 



Attendance: To excuse absences or tardies, check out/in student early contact Mrs. Woo at [email protected]


Textbooks will be distributed during the first week of school.

Registration: If you have not already completed registration please follow links (below) to finish the enrollment process. 


Supply Lists Teachers will provide supply lists during the first week of school. 

*8th Graders taking a "0" period at the high schools, please plan on attending the first day of school (8/25).*

Scheduling Questions? Email your counselor (below). Please remember that every effort has been made to give your student their first choice of elective and we must keep balance of our overall schedule by class size. Please know that we cannot make schedule changes based on teacher preference or to schedule with friends. 

Mrs. Janine Mc Kenna -- School Counselor (Student's Last Name A - K)

Phone: 544-4816 ext. 37219

E-mail: [email protected]


Ms. Connie Li--  School Counselor (Student's Last Name L - Z)

Phone: 544-4816 ext. 37204

E-mail: [email protected]


A Look Ahead:

Picture Day

August 26

PTSA General Meeting 

August 30

Pep Rallies

September 2

Labor Day (no school)

September 5

Booster Club Meeting

September 8

Back to School Night (In Person) 

September 15

Student-Free Day 
September 26, 2022


PVIS at its BEST!


Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a research-based, school-wide systems approach to improve school climate and create safer and more effective schools. ™ PBIS is designed to teach and reinforce positive behaviors among students. Palos Verdes Intermediate School is in its fourth year of implementing PBIS.


We continue to be excited about the efforts being made to make PVIS a safe, positive, and respectful community that values integrity, academic success, and social and emotional well-being. 


At the start of the school year, students participate in school-wide lessons that focus on being their BEST.  PVIS teachers use these lessons to introduce our school-wide behavior matrix and BEST expectations: 


Be Safe 

Encourage Kindness 

Show Integrity 

Take Action 


Parents, we couldn't do this work without your active participation and support. 

THANK YOU for helping us encourage our students to be their BEST every day!  



What is BYOD Bring Your Own Device? | How BYOD Helps to Enterprise?


Students are welcome to bring their own learning devices at the family's own decision and risk. Chromebooks are available in most classes. 

Please Review PVPUSD BYOD Policy





Cell Phones (Personal Electronic Devices) Are “Away for the Day" | article

Please join us in supporting our cell phone policy at PVIS. Our policy states that cell phones should be silenced and kept or live in the student locker.

We believe that cell phones are a distraction to the student learning environment in many ways, such as increasing the cognitive load,  poor connectedness to school, and academic dishonesty.

Additionally, a student's well-being can be negatively impacted by increased screen time. Social anxiety, lack of self-control, cyberbullying, and more are correlated to increased screen time. Let's work together for the betterment of our student's learning environment! 



_______________________________________ : AOFOTO 10x7ft Gym Red Metal Lockers Backdrop Vinyl High School  Safety Locker Room Background for Photography Students Kids Adults Sports  Photoshoot Props Vinyl Class Party Decoration Video Drape : ElectronicsThe 11 Best Backpacks for Kids of 2022


Academic and PE lockers are available and are planned for full student use this school year. BACKPACKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED IN CLASSROOMS. 

Please remember that all students must bring their own lock or purchase one from the main office.

We will also once again be ready to help our students if they are having trouble with opening their locks :)


Student Drop Off & Pick up


Electric Bikes- Please make sure that students arriving or leaving campus on electric bikes/bikes are wearing helmets. Most importantly, ALL bikes must be walked on sidewalks while on campus- DO NOT RIDE BIKES IN AUTO LANES. 

Scrambler Electric Adventure Motor Bike | Juiced Bikes
Palos Verdes Intermediate



The PVIS XC, the state's top middle school program, is back for its 17th season and would like you to be part of the Sea Kings' success.

The program has won 21 titles at the Mt. SAC Invitational, the world's largest cross country meet, and nine State championships. Twenty-five PVIS runners have gone on to compete in cross country or track in college or represent Team USA in international competition. More importantly, it has given hundreds of Sea Kings a lifelong love of running and exercise and shown them what it means to be a part of a successful undertaking, a skill that translates to the classroom and other parts of their lives. For incoming students, cross country is a great way to make a smooth transition to PVIS because it gives them an immediate peer group that is inclusive and focused. 
Our first practice is Monday, August 29 @ 2:15 pm. We will meet on the field next to the back parking lot. Practices are Monday from 2:15 to 3:30 pm. and Wednesday from 3:15 to 4:30 pm. Advanced runners will be invited to a Friday session from 3:15 to 4:45 pm.
We expect to have five meets this season. The season will run through mid-November.
Students need to bring running shoes, running or soccer shorts, sunscreen, water, and a good attitude and work ethic. If your student uses an inhaler they need to bring that as well.
Also, each student will need to bring the first day three forms that can be found at under forms/cross country paperwork. Students must bring a hard copy of the completed forms on the first day in order to participate. No exceptions. 
Volunteer assistant coaches are needed as well as parent volunteers. 
For more information please check out the LINK HERE