Palos Verdes Intermediate School

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PVPUSD Monday Message November 1, 2021 Volume VI

I had the pleasure of visiting all the school sites these last two weeks and was heartened to see the return of holiday activities, rallies, music performances, sporting events, and students simply socializing with one another. In addition to the teachers focusing on data to identify our students’ academic needs, school sites have been working hard to bring back many of the in-person activities and experiences that have immeasurable benefits to the students’ well-being and sense of belonging. Seeing the joy of the kids on Halloween was a great reminder that the school community provides much more than just academics.
Outdoor Mask Policy
For the past month, our district has averaged less than one COVID positive case per day districtwide, out of over 10,000 students attending our schools daily. The data table below reflects these positive trending results. When we instituted the outdoor masking policy, we clearly stated that we would continue to monitor case rates and make decisions based on all relevant data.
As such, effective immediately, PVPUSD will adhere to the LA County Department of Public Health’s Reopening Protocols for K-12 Schools with regard to outdoor masking.
This policy specifically states the following:
There is no County requirement to wear masks outdoors on school campuses, however, it is strongly recommended that masks be worn at crowded outdoor events, which may include class or recess activities where distancing cannot be maintained. Furthermore, it is strongly recommended that children wear a mask on playgrounds and in other outdoor spaces where they gather if distancing is not possible or practical.
Students, staff, and visitors on the school campus must adhere to school policies that require masks be worn in outdoor locations, and schools have the authority to implement such policies at the discretion of school or district leadership.
Masks will still be required indoors district-wide, including all school classrooms, offices, and facilities. Moving forward, principals will provide more site-specific information related to outdoor masking. As stated in the county protocols, outdoor masking is still strongly recommended at crowded outdoor events, on playgrounds or in other outdoor spaces where distancing is not possible. If your children are comfortable wearing masks outdoors, then we strongly encourage this to continue.
Furthermore, should case rates trend in the wrong direction, this policy could likely change back to an outdoor mask mandate. This has been a common theme over the course of this pandemic. The prevalence of the virus in our community will dictate the decisions we make in the best interest of our students and our staff.
Focus on Student Mental Health
This week our Medical Professional Committee will be discussing the social-emotional health of our students and reassessing our current protocols so we can continue to create these valuable experiences for our students in a safe manner.
Mental health has been a priority in PVPUSD long before the pandemic and with the anticipation of returning after the extended school closures, it has become a major focus for all sites. Elementary schools have been teaching social-emotional learning lessons and ensuring students’ social skills are continually developed. Secondary students are receiving classroom guidance from the Sage therapists and school counselors to help our young people process and manage the evolution of school and life.
Particularly this year, the California Healthy Kids Survey (administered in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11) and other student-provided information/feedback related to mental health will be critical in understanding the needs of our students and our social-emotional landscape.
School staff is available onsite for students who need more support. The District recently expanded school psychologist staffing at elementary and have full-time school psychologists, counselors, and therapists (expanded to one therapist at each intermediate and two therapists at each high school) at intermediate at high school. If you would like to contact your site mental health specialist, please click on the name of your school here.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact your school staff or visit the following PVPUSD webpages:
PEF Toast on the Coast
Join us for the inaugural Toast on the Coast: an outdoor coastal festival featuring live music, premium food, and wine/cocktail tastings, and marketplace.
Saturday, November 6, 2021
12:00PM to 5:00PM
Roessler Point at Malaga Cove
300 Paseo Del Mar in Palos Verdes Estates
Music featuring: 80's Music by Fast Times, X-Wire, James McKenna, Xander Marsden and PV Jazz Combo
Participating restaurants include Bettolino Kitchen, The Rex Steakhouse, Locale90, Hennessy's, HT Grill, El Pollo Inka/Inka Wasi, Rebel Republic, Truxton's and more.
Thank you to event sponsors Tito's, Gray Whale Gin, Jaguar Land Rover South Bay, Providence Little Company of Mary and 15/40 Productions.
Go to to purchase tickets!
The Weeks Ahead:
Fall Parent Education Series November 9, 2021, at 9:30 am:
When to Worry: Raising Emotionally Healthy Adolescents.
• Board of Education Regular Meeting – Wednesday, November 10th at 6:30 p.m.
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