Palos Verdes Intermediate School

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2021 Summer Reminders


Jump Start for Students Below Grade Level

If your child was performing below grade level, he/she should have already been invited to participate in Jump Start, our two-week summer academy taking place August 2-13. If you have not been contacted and your child was performing below grade level, please fill out this form to be placed on the waitlist to join.

At this time, there are limited spaces for students who performed below grade level.  This is intended only for students below grade level and not for those who are at or above grade level. If we are able to accommodate your request, you will hear back on or before July 15, 2021.

Elementary and Intermediate Jump Start will be in person and High School will be virtual.


Independent Study for the 21-22 School Year

PVPUSD is excited to reopen all of our schools, in person, five days a week, full day. This will be the default educational program for all students.  No action is required if you plan to return to on campus instruction in the fall.  

For those seeking an alternative option, the District will only be offering independent study (no live instruction) at elementary, intermediate and high school.  If you are seeking an option until your child can be vaccinated, independent study for a semester or trimester is available to you.  Students are expected to work independently on assigned work from a PVPUSD credentialed teacher and are required to meet 1-3 hours, in person, per week.  There will be no daily instruction. Parents interested in this option may opt-in by going to the AERIES Parent Portal by clicking here.  The AERIES window will close on Sunday, June 20.  If you have questions, contact Suzanne Wildey at [email protected]


School Calendar 21-22

For your planning purposes, click here for the school calendar for 21-22.

We look forward to welcoming all of our staff and students back on August 25.  Until then, we wish you a safe and restful summer full of fun!