Palos Verdes Intermediate School

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6th Grade WEB Orientation Information



WEB is a nationwide program designed to welcome and support 6th graders by connecting them with WEB Leaders, who are positive, responsible, hand-selected 8th graders. Your student’s WEB Leaders will help them feel more comfortable as well as help them achieve success in their first year of middle school. Doesn’t that sound great? It is! 



1. You  will receive an emailed invitation to orientation. If you have not received the email by Thursday, August 6th, please email Ms. Schofield at [email protected] to request one. 

2. A day or two before orientation, your child will receive an email (to their PVPUSD email account) from their WEB Leader personally inviting them to orientation, and giving the details of how to virtually join and at what time. The Leaders can also answer any questions they may have.  

3. On orientation day, your student will meet their WEB Leaders and a small group of other 6th graders via Zoom.  

4. In order for your child to maximize their experience, if possible, we recommend that they use a computer with a camera rather than a tablet or smartphone for this meeting.  


As much as you may want to join in or watch over the shoulder of your child, 6th grade orientation is for students only! However, we would love to see you at our virtual PARENT MEETING that is happening on August 20, 2020 at 3 P.M.Look for an invite the parent meeting.

We look forward to a great orientation day! 

-The PVIS WEB Coordinators