Math Club Awards Winners 2019-2020
Although we could not hold the Math Club Awards Night this year, the students deserve wonderful recognition for their hard work and dedication.
Please help me congratulate them!
Grading Update
- The next PVPUSD Board Meeting is scheduled for May 13th to discuss final grade procedures. I will send an update on final grades, but I encourage everyone to watch the live stream of the Board meeting for immediate information.
- Teachers are posting current/live grades on Aeries. Parents, please check Aeries student grades on a regular basis. If you find your student is behind/missing assignments please contact the teacher, counselor, or administration for assistance- we can work it out and catch the student up the more proactive we are.
- Third Trimester Progress Reports will be mailed home beginning the week of May 18th. Please understand this is part of our mandatory grading practice and is meant to be informative to parents. When you receive a progress report and you have concerns- we will help. Contact the teacher, counselor, and/or administration.
Tuesday, May 5th: Career Day
Thursday, May 7th: Throwback Thursday
For The Week: Recreate A Baby Picture
Virtual Background Day
Finally, I want to express my sincerest gratitude to our PVIS Community. Our leadership class surprised me with chalk art messages and PVIS swag in celebration of Principal's Day. 
I am proud to be your "Nacho Average" principal!!
While we are unable to control this global pandemic, we can control our ability to stay positive, stay engaged, help the community remain safe by following physical distancing practices, and above all, stay STRONG! I am looking forward to the day that we can return to PVIS, to the busy campus days of in person classes, activities, plays, and sports. This will hopefully come sooner than later, but until then, please stay in contact with your student's teachers, counselors, and administration. We are here to support you!