Palos Verdes Intermediate School

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Language Arts 8 (Period 4)

Course Description

Complete StudySync Questions for Let'em Play God.
Tomorrow we will be typing our short story, you may start it on Word. It will need to be 2-4 pages, 1.5 spaced. Must include dialogue and you are expanding from one of your personal or suspense stories. This is an in class assignment but you may set it up and work on it outside of class if necessary.

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Week 2 Online Learning
Welcome to WEEK 2... WE GOT THIS! Hang in there, get through this week and it is SPRING BREAK.... where is your virtual break going to be?
You made it through week 1!
Congratulations guys! Most of you have done a great job, working hard and getting work done! Some of you have a little catching up to do, and that is ok, it can be done. One more week of working hard and then SPRING BREAK! Not sure if you all heard yet, but this arrangement has been extended out until 4/20/20 due to the Stay Home Order of Governor Newsom, so after Spring Break we will be back to this same way of schooling, but we will have more live classes and chances for you to turn things in and get some credit. Hang tight, we will get through this together!
Stay safe and healthy!
Please don't forget anyone in Mrs. Lehault's Language Art's classes... you need 40 minutes of Iready lessons a week to get full points each week. More minutes won't hurt you , and who knows it just might HELP you! 
You can also do them in Math and it will help you with you scores, assignments and just getting better. If you need to do a diagnostic exam and it won't let you, please just let me know and we can reset that for you! Now is the time to handle that, doing it from the comfort of your own home!

Frederick Douglass Packet

Attached is the packet for the Frederick Doulgass Book. You don't have to print it, you can write what you need to on a separate piece of paper or better yet, type it in a Word document and save in your account to turn in easily. Word has spell check and with vocabulary definitions, you can copy and paste your definitions! But please work on making your whole document the same font, size and color. You have time to work on all of this!
As we tread in new water, spending each day with our loved ones in closed quarters, not being able to go out, visit friends, play sports, go to the movies, etc we must remember that we have so much at home, within ourselves, our family members and within reach in our phones, tablets/computers... reach out and CALL someone, FACETIME and see your friend's face you miss, TALK to people, don't just text. Be Present in the NOW and enjoy what this crazy time is bringing us, a chance to reconnect and spend time with family. Yes, I have to remind you to make time for classwork NOW not later, give school the energy and time it deserves too! I promise you, we will come out stronger on the other end! #Givepresence #Bepresent #NOW #Nottomorrow #Notyesterday 

Yearbook Photos

School has closed so I am asking for your help with yearbook.  Take pictures (selfies) of you doing home online learning and email to me.  When you send from your phone, make sure you send them in the largest format possible or I won't be able to use them.   
Thank you,
Mr. Barks

Everything WILL be OK!
Good Morning Sea Kings!
Welcome to Online/Homeschool. Hope you all had a restful weekend! As we start this journey together, please remember we are all learning this process together and there will be some curves we have to handle. Please don't stress, don't think you are alone, and just reach out if you have any  questions, concerns or just need to say hi! I know sitting here in my class alone as I close up for the next few weeks I already miss you guys! But we will make it through, have some great stories to tell, and be fully rested to end the year on a great note!
I will be posting work in my different classes for you to do, I will try to break it down for you to help make it a day by day thing. Some teachers are listing it by the week, but not all of you are great at organizing your time. I will do my best to help. I will also post some videos as they are needed or when someone requests help on topics that might help you with assignments or topics! But please, if you need help with something, just ask!
Until we meet again <3
Ms. Stacie Smith