Palos Verdes Intermediate School

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Language Arts 7 (Period 3)


LA 7 Classwork Monday April 13

The assignments for Monday are located in the LA 7 April 13-17 Assignments Folder to the right (if you are on a computer) OR scroll to the bottom (if you are on a phone or tablet).

Folders on the right -->

I have made folders to help you find documents quickly (versus having to scroll through all of the "posts").
Therefore, everything for LA7 Outsiders will be in that folder.
The lesson plans for the will be in the LA7 Lesson Plans and LA8 Lesson Plans folders.

LA7- Classwork Friday April 10

Office Hours/Writing Workshop:  9- 10am 

Individual Classwork 

  1. Write one journal entry for Outsiders on Teams
  2.  15 minutes I-Ready lessons
  3. Finish and submit final paragraph on Teams (highlight/label 3 revisions.) 

LA 7 Classwork Thursday, April 9

Individual Work: 

  1. Do OutsidersClose Read Questions on Teams
  2. Do peer reviews
  3. Revise & Edit paragraph in Teams

LA 7 Paragraph Prompt for Freak the Mighty

Prompt: What qualities of Max and Kevin allow them to become friends? In one paragraph, argue what you think the basis for their friendship is. Be sure to use quotations from the text to support your thesis.

Consider finding ONE CD about a quality you see in Max. Then, find ONE CD about a quality you see in Kevin.

Your topic sentence should include WHY these two qualities allowed them to be friends.


TS- Topic Sentence

BP#1/ TLQ -body point #1/ Transition lead-in to quote. (Provide context for your CD)

CD- Concrete Detail (either Max example OR Kevin example)

CM #1- Commentary/Analysis #1- Explain the CD in your own words

CM #2- Commentary/Analysis #2- “So what?” - Analyze how this CD proves your topic sentence

BP#2/ TLQ -body point #2/ Transition lead-in to quote. (Provide context for your CD)

CD- Concrete Detail (either Max example OR Kevin example)

CM #1- Commentary/Analysis #1- Explain the CD in your own words

CM #2- Commentary/Analysis #2- “So what?” - Analyze how this CD proves your topic sentence

CS- concluding sentence

LA 7 Classwork Wednesday, April 8

Live Lesson 

Period 1= 9- 10 am 

Period 2= 11- 12pm 

Period 3= 1- 2pm 


1. Write Freak the Mighty paragraph on Teams 

  1. Copy/paste Freak the Mighty paragraph into Study Sync
  1. SubmitFreak the Mightyon Study Sync

LA 7 Classwork Tuesday April 7

Individual Work: 


  1. 1.DoFreak the Mighty  Think Questions  (#1-5)  


  1. Finish reading Ch. 1 in the novel/PDFThe Outsiders 

LA 7 Classwork, Monday, April 6

Live Lessons: 

Period 19- 10 am 

Period 2= 11- 12pm 

Period 31- 2pm 

 We will be doing everything except reading The Outsiders DURING our Live Lesson. (See PDF link for The Outsiders)

  1. Mon-Tues: ReadThe Outsiders novel/PDF (Ch. 1; pages 1-18) 
  1. Read Freak the Mighty on Study Sync 
  1. Do Level 1 & 2 Annotations on-line on Study Sync (see an example on Edlio) 
  1. Do Vocabulary Section Study Sync 

LA 7 Lesson Plans April 6- 10

Please print this page.
This is our schedule for this week. If the work falls on our block schedule "Live Lesson," then we will be working on that work together on-line. For example, on Monday, we will be reading Freak the Mighty, doing Level 1 & 2 annotations, & the vocabulary section on Study Sync DURING the "Live Lesson."
Since we don't meet on Tuesday, students will answer the Freak the Mighty Think Questions & finish reading The Outsiders chapter 1 as independent work. 
On Wednesday, during our Live Lesson, we will review the answers for the Think Questions and begin writing the paragraphs.
IT IS MY HOPE THAT EVERY STUDENT WILL ATTEND THE ASSIGNED LIVE LESSONS. If you have any obstacles to participating in our Live Lessons, please contact Mrs. Bly as soon as possible.
Block schedule
Students, starting tomorrow, Monday, April 6, I will be following our new school-wide block schedule. This means that during "class" times, we will be meeting virtually in a Zoom Live Lesson. I will be emailing a Zoom invite via our secure Aeries email. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL.
If you do not know how to get into your class session, please email me, even if it's during the actual lesson.
"See" you all soon!

Spring Break

Even though I'm excited it's almost Spring Break, I feel like I just got into a routine with school. If you want to do anything extra during Spring Break to keep a routine, check out the link below for all sorts of ideas. 
You may also complete I-Ready lessons at any time.
Finally, don't forget to read your outside reading book! Your book can be from any genre.
There are also FREE audiobooks if you go to
You may also access the PV Public Library through our PVIS library webpage. Enjoy your break and be well!!