Palos Verdes Intermediate School

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Science 6

Mr. Scott Garman
2017-18 Trimester 1
2017-18 Trimester 2
2017-18 Trimester 3

Assignment Calendar

Course Description

Homework, classwork, test dates, and scores are available on Aeries.
Here is a broad overview of the topics we are to cover.

180 days= 22.5 days or 4.5 weeks per chapter

1. Nature of Science- 4 wks
1.1. Nature of Science
1.2. Basic and Applied Science
1.3. Scientific Ways of Thinking
1.4. Scientific Explanations and Interpretations
1.5. Science and Engineering Practices
1.6. Development of Hypotheses
1.7. Testing Hypotheses
1.8. Scientific Induction
1.9. Correlation and Causation
1.10. Observations and Experiments
1.11. Scientific Measuring Devices
1.12. Accuracy and Precision
1.13. Scientific Graphing
1.14. Scientific Theory
1.15. Development of Theories
1.16. Scientific Law
1.17. Scientific Modeling
1.18. Scientific Models
1.19. Scientific Community
1.20. Safety in the Life Sciences
1.21. Safety in Science
1.22. Ethics in Science

2. Heat and Energy- 5 wks
2.1. Energy

2.2. Forms of Energy
2.3. Average Kinetic Energy
2.4. Kinetic Theory of Matter
2.5. Changes of State
2.6. Heat
2.7. Temperature
2.8. Heat Conduction
2.9. Thermal Conductors and Insulators
2.10. Specific Heat
2.11. Convection
2.12. Density
2.13. Thermal Radiation
2.14. Light

3. Weather- 5 wks

3.1. Solar Energy on Earth
3.2. Distribution of Water on Earth
3.3. Water Distribution

3.4. Processes of the Water Cycle
3.5. Clouds
3.6. Precipitation
3.7. Importance of the Atmosphere
3.8. Composition of the Atmosphere
3.9. Pressure and Density of the Atmosphere
3.10. Air Pressure and Altitude
3.11. Electromagnetic Energy in the Atmosphere
3.12. Temperature and Heat in the Atmosphere
3.13. Collecting Weather Data
3.14. Air Masses
3.15. Weather Fronts
3.16. Weather Maps
3.17. Predicting Weather
3.18. Seasons

4. Climate- 5 wks
4.1. Weather versus Climate
4.2. Climate Change in Earth History
4.3. Short-Term Climate Change
4.4. Long-Term Climate Change
4.5. Effect of Latitude on Climate
4.6. Coriolis Effect
4.7. How Ocean Currents Moderate Climate
4.8. Deep Ocean Currents
4.9. Effect of Continental Position on Climate
4.10. Global Warming
4.11. Causes and Effects of Global Warming
4.12. Air Quality
4.13. Types of Air Pollution
4.14. Carbon Cycle and Climate
4.15. Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health
4.16. Effects of Air Pollution on the Environment
4.17. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Pollution
4.18. Reducing Ozone Destruction

5. Cells- 4 wks
5.1. Characteristics of Life
5.2. Viruses
5.3. Cell Biology
5.4. Microscopes
5.5. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
5.6. Plant Cell Structures
5.7. Cell Membrane
5.8. Cell Transport
5.9. Passive Transport
5.10. Diffusion
5.11. Active Transport
5.12. Cell Nucleus
5.13. Organelles
5.14. Cell Cycle
5.15. Cell Division

Organs & Body Systems- 5 wks
6.1. Organization of the Human Body
6.2. Smooth, Skeletal, and Cardiac Muscles
6.3. Muscles, Bones, and Movement

6.4. Muscles and Exercise
6.5. Cardiovascular System
6.6. Heart
6.7. Blood Vessels
6.8. Components of Blood
6.9. Respiration
6.10. Respiratory System Organs
6.11. Processes of Breathing
6.12. Human Digestive System
6.13. Digestive System Organs
6.14. Food and Nutrients
6.15. Excretion
6.16. Urinary System
6.17. Kidneys
6.18. Diabetes

7. Reproduction & Genetics- 4 wks
7.1.Mitosis and Cytokinesis
7.2. Meiosis
7.3. Mitosis vs. Meiosis
7.4. Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction
7.5. Mendel's Pea Plants
7.6. Mendel's Laws and Genetics
7.7. Non-Mendelian Inheritance
7.8. Sex-linked Inheritance
7.9. Plant Reproduction and Life Cycle
7.10. Vascular Seedless Plants
7.11. Nonvascular Plants
7.12. Reproduction in Seedless Plants
7.13. Gymnosperms
7.14. Seeds and Seed Dispersal
7.15. Angiosperms
7.16. Tropisms
7.17. Reproductive Behavior of Animals
7.18. Bird Reproduction
7.19. Mammal Reproduction

8. Sensory Responses- 4 wks
8.1. Nervous System
8.2. Nerve Cells and Nerve Impulses
8.3. Central Nervous System
8.4. Peripheral Nervous System
8.5. Touch
8.6. Taste and Smell
8.7. Hearing and Balance
8.8. Human Vision
8.9. How the Eye Works




5/29 - 6/7

Start working on your Human Impact Presentations
Working in assigned small groups you will pick one of the topics provided, research it, then present your findings to the class. The presentation can be a PowerPoint, Prezi, video, skit, speech, etc. 
Cover the main points of the topic in 4 to 5 minutes. Everyone must participate in the presentation.
Work on Human Impact Presentations
Finish Human Impact Presentations
Start presenting Human Impact Presentations
Turn in your home set of Textbooks
Human Impact Presentations
Final Quiz "Human Impact"
Minimum Day
Last Day to turn in extra credit essays
Minimum Day "Last Day of School"
Have a great summer!

5/21 - 5/25

Common observable Dominate/ Recessive Traits in Humans
Review for Test
Plant Reproduction/ Heredity Test
Animal Reproduction
Adaptations and Natural Selection

4/3 - 5/4

Due to a surprise district meeting tomorrow and the disaster drill Friday we will
have to move some things around this week.
We will not have a test on Friday, we will have a quiz on Wednesday.
Online review/ Work on notebooks.
Bingo review for quiz
Plant Reproduction
Draw Plant parts, bring coloring supplies

4/23 - 4/27

Introduction Digestive System
GI Tract
Know the parts of the GI Tract and their functions.
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Gall Bladder
Carbohydrates- Complex (starch), Simple (sugar), Indigestible (fiber)
Proteins- Made of amino acids, essential amino acids body cannot make.
Complete protein meal contains all the essential amino acids.
Fats- Saturated (animal), Unsaturated (plant), Trans Fats (partially hydrogenated oil).
Cardiovascular health- trans very bad, unsaturated good.
Vit. & Min.- need small amounts but very important
Calorie (kc)- the amount of energy needed to raise 1 kg of water 1 degree C.
Endocrine System
Hormones are chemical messengers produced by glands.
The pancreas produces Insulin and Glucagon. 
Glucagon tells the liver to convert fat to glucose, increasing blood sugar.
Insulin tells the cells to absorb glucose, reducing blood sugar.
Diabetes Type 1- early onset, the system does not work properly.
Diabetes Type 2- delayed onset, the system has stopped working properly.
Pre-diabetic- Diet and lifestyle may be leading to type 2 diabetes.
Quiz Wednesday (No Quizlet. Use these note guidelines to make sure your notebook is complete)
Urinary System
Filter blood and remove waste

4/17 - 4/20

Chapter 17 (Green txtbk)
Our vision
Review for the test (BINGO)
Test- Nervous System, Vision, Hearing, Taste, Smell

4/9 - 4/16

Reflex vs Reaction
Reaction Lab
Reaction Lab Results
Introduction Senses
Senses Experiment
Senses Experiment
Senses Experiment conclusion
4/16 (Monday)
Garden Day