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Genetics Study Guide Due 6/4 (Test Day) 
Answer Key attached below for checking answers
*Do not copy any of the free response questions, paraphrase and make sure you have your own answers in your own words







Extra Credit: Due Tuesday 5/28
-Create a trailer (or very very short film 3-4 mins) of one or more runners in an extreme environment (can be the desert or other extreme weather such as snowy/very cold) 
-Must include:
-Proper attire for environment
-Description of what happens to the character and why as they run the marathon (How the extreme environment is affecting them)
- MUST include at least one realistic internal body issue caused by running the marathon in the extreme environment and what organ systems are affected the most by this issue ((For example, dehydration, exhaustion, organ damage) You can make it dramatic!)
-Setting/ props/special effects that indicate the real life environment your story setting (ex: cacti and sand for dessert; toy fish, bubbles, goggles for underwater; layers and thick jackets and a large white sheet on the ground for cold and snowy, etc) 
(You can use the trailer we watched in class as inspiration)
-Can be put on a flash drive or uploaded on private to a YouTube account for viewing 



Animal Courtship Research Mini Project
⧫2.5-4.5 minute presentation, rubric attached below
⧫With your group, you will research a particular animal species in which they use a particular strategy to attract a mate.
⧫Explain the trait or behavior and answer the following questions:
-Are the males different from the females, if so, how?
-What kinds of risks are the males taking to attract a mate?
-How much time do males devote to courtship? How hard do they work?
-How impressive, elaborate, and involved are the males' displays of courtship?
⧫Students can present their information in the form of a poster, skit, PowerPoint, etc. (If you choose a different presentation method, you must get it pre-approved by Ms. Bolanos)
⧫There must be visuals that show both the male and female of the species, as well as the courtship strategy.
⧫Mini project due Tuesday 5/28. All projects with any digital components (powerpoint,video, etc) must be e-mailed to Ms. Bolanos (either the file or a YouTube link, can be private) before 8:15 AM Tuesday May 28 otherwise it will be late.)
Students must also include a bibliography.
-Minimum 5 different websites or books must be cited* (For example, if you watch 5 different Youtube videos, YouTube only counts as 1 source)
*This does not include sources for images used
-Wikipedia cannot be cited as a source (but can be used as a starting point to help you find other sources)
-Include website name and url
-Bibliography should be in alphabetical order
Example: Animal Planet.
*Note, COURTSHIP rituals are different from MATING rituals. This project is only about how the animals get the attention and attract a mate, not how they do the actual mating part*



Amoeba Sisters Angiosperms



Ultamarathon Project
ISN pg 113- Ultramarathon Model Due Monday 5/13
-Create a model of the human body of your main story character as they run the Badwater 135 ultramarathon through the desert (See trailer:
Model must include:
-How the cardiovascular system and respiratory system work together in your character to help them run
-At least 5 other effects running has on the body (sweating, increased temperature, etc)
Ultramarathon Story- Typed hard copy in size 12 Times New Roman or Arial font Due Monday 5/13
Write a narrative (story, can be first person or third person) of a person running the ultramarathon through Death Valley in the Badwater 135 ultramarathon. (See trailer) (Rubric attached below)
Story must include: 
Setting- what the environment and landscape is like, the weather, temperature, etc
Character description- what their physique is like, how they’re dressed, etc
How the cardiovascular system and respiratory system work together in your character to help them run
-Description of what happens to the character and why as they run the marathon (How the extreme environment is affecting them)
- MUST include at least one realistic internal body issue caused by running the marathon and what organ systems are affected the most by this issue ((For example, dehydration, exhaustion, organ damage)
Info on the marathon itself:
Optional sources to help your research:





In class: 4/29
Complete the following parts 1-3 on StemScopes-
1. Concept Review Game (Key terms and concepts)
2. Cells, Tissues, and Organs
3. The Nervous System
(Answer all questions for part 2 and part 3 in complete sentences)



Read, highlight and annotate "Touch and Reflexes" 
Answer questions #1-7



Body Control Center Homeostasis Simulation
Go to the link below and read the directions. See how long you can keep your person alive by helping them to maintain homeostasis.
Page 105: Title- Homeostasis Simulation
Write a reflection, copying and answering the following question: How easy/ difficult is it to keep the body at equilibrium or "maintain homeostasis" and why?

Page 106: Split in half horizontally. Title it: "Your Cardiovascular & Respiratory System"
Read the 2 attached articles. Take notes on page 106. Take notes on "Your Respiratory System" on the top half and "Your Cardiovascular System" on the bottom half. Make sure you have at least 5 bullet points for each article (10 total) 
After Reading,use the simulation to answer the following questions on page 105, below your reflection. Be sure to copy and number the questions.
1. How does heart rate relate to blood delivery?
2. If you need more oxygen, should you increase or decrease respiration? Why? 
3. How does dilation affect blood pressure?
4. How does perspiration affect body temperature?
5. How do insulin and glucagon each affect blood sugar differently? (be specific)



Shabooya Roll Call on page 109(left)
       -Line 2 and line 4 rhyme
       -3 different organs systems (besides the digestive system, must be different from example)
       -Keep it pg (no reproductive organs)
       -Teacher's example: 
            Shabooya, ya, ya, shabooya roll call
            (Line 1) Digestive system,
            (Line 2) I break down down food
           (Line 3)And absorb nutrients
           (Line 4) It tastes real good!
           Roll call!
 -Roll calls are due Thursday 4/25
Here's a link to rhymezone: to help you with the rhymes in case you need it. 



ISN pg. 107- Organization and Systems Overview 
-Copy notes, pdf of google slides attached below



In class: Reaction Times Lab
In case you missed it 4/24/19-
-Follow the instructions (attached) to complete the data tables (attached)
-Chromebook part can be done on your own
You will need someone to help you with the ruler labs (friend, parent, sibling, etc)
Be sure to write the question from the lab sheet and the hypothesis on pg. 110 using the sentence frame provided before starting the ruler labs
Then complete the conclusion on pg 110 using the sentence frame provided after collecting all three sets of lab data
Hypothesis: If I use my sense of _____________ to grab the ruler in the experiment, I will grab the ruler sooner and react _________ than if I use my sense of ______________ or _____________.
Conclusion: In the ruler experiments, my average of ________________cm resulting from using my sense of ________________ showed a faster reaction time than when using my sense of ________________ or ________________. Therefore, I conclude that I respond fastest using my sense of ___________________.
My initial hypothesis was correct / incorrect (choose one).



Warm Up 4/22/19:
Happy Earth day! What’s one way you can reduce your plastic usage that wasn’t mentioned in the video or in class?



Assigned on StemScopes:
Reading A,B,C- Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Reading A,B,C- A Framework of Function
-Same reading, 3 dif. Versions
-Increase in lexile level each letter
-Choose which level will be the best for your needs
-Actively read, at least 5 highlights and notes for the article
-Answer questions at the end
-Then, complete Concept Attainment Quiz (Not a quiz, you may use your notes if you need to)



Study Guide due Thurs 4/11
Living Things and Cells test on Mon 4/15



In class 4/8-4/10
PDF and Powerpoint attached, worked on ISN pgs. 97-100
Monday 4/8- We did an activity in groups where we tried to draw a shape with the largest perimeter possible on a single post-it note then traced them with string so we could measure the length. The winning team won as many jelly beans as would fit along the string. 
Tonicity pictures (also on the last ppt slide)



In class 3/26/19: ISN pg 93-94: Diffusion
-ISN pg. 93: Read, highlight annotate, & tape in article
ISN pg. 94: Complete Review questions in the notebook, complete vocab chart, & tape in chart and questions page



Characteristics of Living Things Quiz
Practice Kahoot that we did in class



-Choose any 2 organisms to research and fill in the classification of except humans
-Organisms must be from 2 different kingdoms
-*2 more can be completed for extra credit
-*These 2 must also be different kingdoms from the first 2 that were completed
-Each classification must include a drawn and colored picture of the organism







Extra credit: Due online in Amplify by 9 PM Sunday March 3
-Actively read (highlight and annotate with notes, at least one note & highlight per paragraph) the following articles on amplify (up to 5 points each) 
Weather Patterns:
-Chapter 1, Lesson 1.4: What are Clouds
-Chapter 2, Lesson 2.2: Disaster in California
Oceans, Atmosphere, and Climate:
-Chapter 2, Lesson 2.1: Ocean in Motion





In class Tues. 2/19: Air Masses
ISN pg. 73- Air Masses Article- read, highlight, annotate, tape in
ISN pg. 74- Take notes, answer review questions #1-3



In class Fri 2/15
Air Masses and Fronts Haiku- ISN pg. 72 (right)
Use your notes to create 8 haikus total (3 lines each, 5-7-5 syllables)
-1 about each type of air mass
-1 About each type of front
Sample Haiku (do not plagiarize):
Cold air mass moves in
A warm air mass is waiting
A cold front now forms





Analyze the images. What are some things you notice? Patterns? 



ISN pg. 66 (right side)- Specific Heat 
-Take notes (At least 7 bullet points)
-Answer questions #1-2



ISN pg. 64- Wind and Air Pressure
-Be sure to click the "Next button" to see all 4 pages
-Take Notes (At least 5 important main ideas)
-Answer questions #1-2 (Complete sentences) 



ISN pg. 63- Behavior of Matter 
-Take notes (At least 5 important main ideas)
-Think: How does this relate to the balloon demo we just saw?



Test Corrections Template
Test corrections for Heat Unit Assessment due on or before Mon 1/28
Remember it must be signed by your parent/guardian if you got less than a 70% (less than a C)
See syllabus for more details  



Attached: Climate zones project instructions (Same as written below), rubric, and bibliography instructions (each with a different picture for each climate zone)

Project Due Tuesday 1/22 (Presentations will start that day and all parts must be turned in)

Climate Zones Project

You have been contracted by TravelCali, a startup company for traveling within the entire state of California. They want you to convince people to travel to the different areas of California. To do that, you need to create 2 things, a poster to catch people’s eye and show them the important information about the state and then a written “trip advisor” that will tell people about the weather and all the fun things they can do on their visit. Remember, you want to convince people your zone is the best place to be!


Written portion: 1-2 paragraphs to advise someone who would like to visit your climate zone during winter break. Then repeat the steps but for a visit during summer break. This includes:

  1. What the weather would be like
  2. Clothes they should wear (ex: sweaters, shorts, bring an umbrella, etc)
  3. At least 2 activities they can do there (considering the weather)
  4. Repeat 1-3 but for a summer vacation visit
  5. Max 1 pg, size 12 font, Arial or Times New Roman

Poster: Make a poster with the following information:
-Winter/Summer Temps
-Day/Night avg temps
-Geographic locations (latitude, longitude)
*At least 2 pictures should be included on your poster
*Graphs and charts may also be helpful BUT you MUST be able to understand and explain them



The Incredible Journey book / comic strip due Tuesday 1/8 
You will turn in your book / comic strip as well as your worksheet from our first incredible journey activity and the rubric that was given to you. 
Be sure you check your work using the rubric to see if you are including everything you need in your book to get full credit! 





Read the attached article



Heat Unit Assessment Monday 12/10
Make sure to bring your study guide to turn in (Although due Friday, I had you keep them to study from!) 
If you missed it or lost yours, be sure to check the previous assignments for a blank study guide as well as the answer key. 



Heat Unit Study Guide
Directions: Answer the attached questions on a separate sheet of lined paper. You do not have to rewrite the question. Staple the paper to the front of your answer sheet. The questions on the assessment will cover the same content as this study guide and review activities we did in class. This study guide is due Friday 12/7.
*Updated with answer key* Use to double check your answers if needed



Heart articles:
Skip pg. 42
Pg. 43- Conduction (article annotate and tape in)
Pg. 44- Notes (bullet points, at least 5) Review questions #1-3
Pg. 45- Conductors and Insulators (article annotate and tape in)
Pg. 46- Notes (bullet points, at least 5) Review questions #1-3
Pg. 47- Convection (article annotate and tape in)
Pg. 48- Notes (bullet points, at least 5), answer and tape in questions #1-3



In class 12/4: 
Today we reviewed our ISNs
Attached below is  copy of the outline of the content and pages that should be in your science notebook thus far



In Class: 
Creating and revising models (separate sheet of paper, not in ISN) that show and explain how putting an ice cube in a drink cools it down.
Draft 1- Regular ice cube in a drink
Draft 2- Plastic ice cube in a drink
Final draft ISN pg. 35 (left side) 
Model of how an ice cube cools down a drink. 



Friday 11/2
ISN pg. 32 (right side)
Draw a model of what is happening in the video 
A good scientific model must:
-Have labels
-Be neat and clear (It’s okay to be wrong, but you must be clear!)
-Have arrows to show movement
-Have explanations (captions) for what is happening in the model
-Explain a phenomena / how something works
-Have colors (if possible)



Unit 1 Test Friday 10/26! 



Unit 1 Study Guide (Started in class Wednesday 10/24, must be completed by Thursday 10/25)
Updated with answer key in attachment below



Energy Mini Poster  (8.5” x 11”)

Students will be making mini posters on one of the different forms of energy we’re currently learning about. (Must sign up in class on the sign up sheet) The goal of the poster is to convince the viewers that their particular form of energy is the most important.

Poster must include the following with descriptions / explanations:
-What the type of energy is and how it’s created
-At least 5 different ways where we use / see this energy in our everyday lives
-The top 3 most important uses for this type of energy
-At least 3 images to illustrate the type of energy (pictures can be hand drawn or printed at home or in the library outside of class, not during class time.



In class Friday 9/7

Claim Evidence Reasoning ISN pg Notes
C-Claim-Statement that answers the question (your argument)
E-Evidence- proof from a resource
R-Reasoning- explanation; how your evidence supports your claim
CER Output
Create your own question by filling in the blanks:
Question: "Which is better, ___________ or ___________?"
Answer the question using CER format with at least 2 pieces of supporting evidence. 



Safety contract must be signed by both student and parent/ guardian with all questions filled out
Due Wed 9/5



Students must have their required composition book for class by Tuesday 9/4
-Composition book, NOT a spiral
-College ruled
-At least 100 pages
-Size 9.75"x7.5" (standard composition book size) 



In Class today (Thurs. 8/30):
Create a safety mini poster (8.5x11 paper) for your assigned safety rule.
The poster should showcase and inform your classmates on what it means to follow that rule
Posters will be presented and submitted in class Friday 8/31



Syllabus slip signature due Fri 8/31